My Dying Bride - A Line Of Deathless Kings


Let The Metal Flow
Sep 5, 2006

This is the latest album from British Doom Metal outfit My Dying Bride.

This album is so far removed from My Dying Bride's last effort that you would assume it was a different band playing all together, in my opinion that is a vast improvement. I have always been a fan of “Songs of Darkness, Words of Light” but I have always thought it to be the weakest release by this band, this album however, is almost a complete return to form.

I say almost because they would have to come up with something special to beat or even compare to their earlier work such as “As the flower withers” and “Turn Loose the Swans”,far too many people are quick to dismiss this album because they are comparing it to previous works, and far too few people are looking at this album with fresh ears and without any preconceptions.

What this album has is crushing lyrics delivered in a truly wretched and racked way by a supreme vocalist accompanied by soul destroying riffs. A brilliant album and a must for any doom lover.