My Favorites of '08


Jan 11, 2006
X-posted from PM:X, and well its up on Sea of Tranquility now too.

1. Voyager - Univers : It was a 2008 release for the US so I'm counting it. This album affects me in a wonderful way. I only recently got it, but it has become a favorite of mine. Daniel Estrin has an incredible voice. He can channel the gothic tones of Peter Steele, the emotions of Duda, Englund, and Kakko, as well as a pure rock/metal voice. The album is progressive, though mostly absent of solos. Each song is distinct and strong. There are no weak songs on this album.

2. Captain Cutthroat - s/t : One of the few quirky albums I've enjoyed this year. I'm not sure why it ranks so high, I guess it just fits me well. I think its highly overlooked, but hopefully their next album gets the press and distribution they deserve.
3. Biomechanial - Cannibalised : I still can't figure this album out. Its pure madness. Its hard to listen to at times, yet I've listened to it more than any other album this year.
4. Sabaton - Art of War : I tire of the quotations, but otherwise its great metal. I've listened to this secondmost this year. Its wonderful.
5. Pharaoh - Be Gone : I don't know what true metal means anymore. I don't like to call this true metal, because while it probably is, it doesn't sound old like everything else people put that label on. This has some of the best rhythm and melody of any album I've heard this year.
6. Hammers of Misfortune - Fields/Church : I still haven't fully absorbed this album. At times I love it, at times my mind wanders a bit too much. I think I need another 6 months to really appreciate it. Scalzi brought an energy level that is absent without him. But musically, compositionally, this album has so many strong moments of pure bliss.
7. Kayo Dot - Blue Lambency Downward : The eponymous song is one of my favorites this year.
8. Sculptured - Embodiment : An early favorite for me. I don't have much to say about it.
9. Protest the Hero - Fortress : Its full of energy. I turn to it when I need a kick in the ass.
10. Zimmer's Hole - When You Were Shouting at the Devil... We Were in League with Satan : I'm a Devin fan. He produced this. It feels like he was a member of the band. Fun album. I haven't listened to it too much yet. I've heard that it loses its greatness after a while. I'll see.
11. Jeff Loomis - Zero Order Phase : I can understand claims from people that this feels like it should just be a Nevermore album. However, that's not true from song to song. Cashmere Shiv is one of, if not the, favorite songs this year. I'll point to this album when people talk about metal guitarist solo albums done right.

Other albums I really enjoyed:

Tomorrow's Eve - Tales from Serpentia
Andromeda - The Immunity Zone
Odin's Court - Deathanity
Dark Empire - Humanity Dethroned
Seventh Wonder - Mercy Falls
Power Quest - s/t
Mindflow - Destructive Device
Disturbed - Indestructible
Flametal - Master of the Aire
Omnium Gatherum - The Redshift
Terror Syndrome - s/t
Ayreon - 01011001
Canvas Solaris - The Atomized Dream
Avantasia - Scarecrow
King's X - XV
Dantesco - Pagano
Kataklysm - Prevail
Pin Up Went Down - 2 Unlimited
Shinedown - The Sound of Madness
Heidevolk - Walhalla Wacht
Orden Ogan - Vale
Souljourners - Mind Control
Testament-Formation Of Damnation (The bay area old skool bashers come back w/ a vengeance! The Shredmeisters-Alex & Erik are fuckin' back! & it's about damned time!!!)

Rage-Carved In Stone (Probably one of the best of Rage's since "Soundchaser"!)

Laaz Rockit-Left For Dead (An excellent comback album from one of the Old Skool Thrash Underdogs!)

The Sword-Gods Of The Earth (This album just rips through your skull like a fuckin' Power Drill!!!)

Halcyon Way-A Manifesto For Domination ( The Best ATL Prog/Power band imho)

Metallica-Death Magnetic (What cannot be said about it?! And btw I Totally don't give a rat's ass what anyone else thinks! I LOVE IT!!!)

AC/DC-Black Ice (Great comeback from one of the all time greatest Hard Rock/Metal bands of all fuckin' time!!)

Venom-Hell (Cronos & co. fuckin' does it again!! And even w/o Mantas & Abbadon! But hey who needs those fuckin' wankers anyway!!!)

Yngwie Malmsteen-Perpetual Flame (Ripper totally owns on this!!!)

Shinedown-The Sound Of Madness (One of the biggest surprises to me! My gf shari got me into them, & they were awesome live too!!! Great songwriting, great hooks & melodies & it's a lot heavier than their earlier albums!!!)

Volbeat-Guitar Gangsters And Cadilac Blood ( I'm still hooked on this one! Great songs, Way Heavier than their last one & Excellent Production! My new favorite Metal band!!!)

Pyramaze-Immortal (Matt Barlow IS da FUCKIN' MAN!!!!)

Benedictum-Seasons Of Tragedy (Another one of my new favorites!!! This album is just incredible from start to finish!!! Veronica Freeman is an absolutely incredible vocalist!!! And they also do a killer cover of Accept's "Balls To The Wall"!)

Hammerfall-Masterpieces (Hammerfall just never cease to amaze & impress me! Great choice of covers & awesome sounding originals!!!)

Iced Earth-The Crucible Of Man (okay granted the album isn't that great, but it's got Matt Barlow back where he fuckin' belongs!!! So I had to include it!!! MATT BARLOW W/ ICED FUCKING EARTH
RULES!!!!) :rock:

Chrome Division-Booze, Broads, & Beelzebub-(Shagrath & co. kicked major ass on their last-Dommsday Rock & Roll, and this one doesn't disappoint!!! Just good ass kicking, beer drenched, liquor fueled, Dirty Rock & Roll a la Motorhead!!!)

Cavalera Conspiracy-Inflikted-(Max & Igor & co. RULE on this! Very heavy! like REAL Sepultura!
Now maybe that Sepultura reunion will finally become a reality! Hey, one can dream!)

Dokken-Lighning Strikes Again-(Now I 've always loved Dokken, btw Dokken were & are not so much a "Hair Metal" band! I always thought they were much better than that & they just got lumped in w/ "Hair Metal" imho! (especially Tooth & Nail & Breaking The Chains!) But this album is so much like their earlier albums it's almost scary! Great songs, great music & excellent Lynch-ish guitar work from Jon Levin! And they kicked ass live too!)

Sebastian Bach-Angel Down-(This is nothing like skid row, no it's much heavier! Courtesy of Metal Mike Chalsiak! A very, very HEAVY & excellent album!!! Great songs, much heavier & a great band & Bas has still got those awesome vocal chops to prove it!!!)