My First attempt at an album cover

It looks pretty stylish! Good colouring and atmosphere. Interesting typeface for the band-title as well, your own making? I think the (bird?) unbalances the image a little (I think it looks like a conscious attempt to fill whitespace) but otherwise I could very much see it gracing the front of some commerical release! good work.
Pretty good. If ya want my opinion, I'd a kept the bird out. I think it makes it a little cluttered up there. And the tree should be behind both angels, as they are the same size. It screws with the depth perception the way it is. And the tree needs some black highlights (highlights?) on it to give it some texture.

The concept really links nicely with the font though. But if you can, eliminate the line down the middle of the R in SATURNINE. When I look at that, all I see is the R.
Originally posted by FrostGiant
Pretty good. If ya want my opinion, I'd a kept the bird out. I think it makes it a little cluttered up there. And the tree should be behind both angels, as they are the same size. It screws with the depth perception the way it is. And the tree needs some black highlights (highlights?) on it to give it some texture.

The concept really links nicely with the font though. But if you can, eliminate the line down the middle of the R in SATURNINE. When I look at that, all I see is the R.

I agree with everything that you said. I also feel that that if there is going to be a page on the left for band information, ect... He should continue the angel's wing.