my first dirty mix!!!


Jul 15, 2007
Here my first dirty mix...really really dirty mix. The band want something like converge and I'm not this kind of mixer...but it's a challenge for me...I don't have any DI track...I can't reamp anything. Here my rough mix. No automation at this time...Work's in proress... Let me know want you guy's thing about it...once again is not my usual style...Thankx for listening...

The snare could go down a bit and the OHs up. Other than that it sounds pretty solid and heavy, well done!

...and yeah the kick is awesome. Info or samples? :saint:
i think it's still too clean =D

dirty up the upper kick/snr TRANSIENTS...really crunch down on them....

i'd personally add a lot more 'space' (room algo) around everything.

but it IS awesome
thankx for the constructive feedback...I try something new for the kick. I use 2 1 is not a multi-sample. I use one sample to keep my low-end stable...I put a hi cut at 135hz(just to keep the low-end). It's kind of sub-kick. On the channel 2 I use 6 sample low-cut a 135hz to add some movement in the high end. I very like the result...the low-end is ultra consistent and with the hi-end movement the kick drums sound more natural. For the comment...yes the snare is a bit too loud...need some automation here and there. For the room...I really really love roomy drum kit, but the drum was record in a small basement. I keep you updated!!!!! Thank you for your time!!!!

I really like the mix, but agree that it could be a little dirtier still. Any info on the vocal processing?
Thanks for the quick response! I am assuming the lo-fi accounts for a lot of the grit. Does the saturation from the massey plug kind of smooth that out a bit, and are you using a lot of saturation with tapehead?
Mix sounds killer dude!!! Yeah it's still not exactly "dirty" haha, still got that very clean St. Amand signature ;) With edited and replaced drums it's hard to get that sort of live Converge feel going, but this mix still has a great vibe and tons of energy, love it man!
thankx for the constructive feedback...I try something new for the kick. I use 2 1 is not a multi-sample. I use one sample to keep my low-end stable...I put a hi cut at 135hz(just to keep the low-end). It's kind of sub-kick. On the channel 2 I use 6 sample low-cut a 135hz to add some movement in the high end. I very like the result...the low-end is ultra consistent and with the hi-end movement the kick drums sound more natural. For the comment...yes the snare is a bit too loud...need some automation here and there. For the room...I really really love roomy drum kit, but the drum was record in a small basement. I keep you updated!!!!! Thank you for your time!!!!


Excellent, thank you :headbang:
I'm sure many of us have tried mixing a ton of kick samples, some have tried using a few normal kicks + 1 for the highs but what you've done makes a lot more sense, given that you find the right lows-only sample. I know there are people who use triggered sine waves and similar stuff, do you mind telling us what or at least what kind of sample you are using? You mentioned "sub-kick", does that mean it's from a yamaha sub-kick kind of microphone or is it a synthesized kick.
OK, OK guys is not so dirty...haha...for me is very dirty because I'm a clean guy!!!!

adam-I have no choice to sound replace everything because the original sound was so thin...thankx for the comment

shadow-walker- The low-end come from a kick sample on xp-30 keyboard. I mentioned sub-kick because with the hi-cut the sound is very similar to a sub-kick.

Anyway I need to remix everything...the band do not like the way it sound...I'm very confuse at this time!!!!
Please tell me about that snare :D! Your snares are always fat and perfect for what I like snares to sound like. I hate that the band wants to go in a different direction with the mix from what you have going on now, but that's the way the cookie crumbles :(