My First full mix please listen!!


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
First off thanks everyone :notworthy

Man i have learned so much in the little time i have been here and got to put to use on my first full band recording and it is my band :rock: :kickass: !

Take a listen and let me know what you guys like and what you don't like or maybe somethings to change..

A Dying Society
just a little info on this...................

I recorded guitar with sm57 and Behringer Mic pre, Cab was Marshall 1960 and head is peavey ultra plus 120 and a tube screamer predal the TS7.

2nd guitar- same setup different Mic i used Sennheiser e609 Mic and behringer preamp still.

drums are sampled to piss :rock: :rock:

Bass OH FREAKIN MAN........ i recorded direct and bassist only bought new top string DAM BASSIST :mad: ...We re tracked bass another day but then his new strings he bought FINALLY, he put on early for some reason and let them go dead before we tracked so once again dead strings :rolleyes:

Vocals were tracked with behringer preamp and beta58 Mic!

the behringer pre i used was the ada8000 and i have that linked to my digi001
You know, with the whole "behringer mic pre" thing, I was expecting far less.

For what your equipment description is, this sounds fantastic. Excellent job.

It's lacking a little bit in the high end presence though, I'd like to hear the mix with a little more shine on the top end. Not too much though, it's really close already.
I bought me the onyx 1640 and it´s sound killer best mic pres I ever used.

But for a long time I used behringer.

Nice job, are the drums real or ez or drumkit from hell,

what do use for the kick???

P.s: at the end of the sound there are some mistakes in guitar playing,

cut it right and the song is perfect.

And the high hat is to much out of the mix in my opinion

but please don´t understand me wrong I love the mix
broken81 said:
just a little info on this...................

I recorded guitar with sm57 and Behringer Mic pre, Cab was Marshall 1960 and head is peavey ultra plus 120 and a tube screamer predal the TS7.

2nd guitar- same setup different Mic i used Sennheiser e609 Mic and behringer preamp still.

drums are sampled to piss :rock: :rock:

Bass OH FREAKIN MAN........ i recorded direct and bassist only bought new top string DAM BASSIST :mad: ...We re tracked bass another day but then his new strings he bought FINALLY, he put on early for some reason and let them go dead before we tracked so once again dead strings :rolleyes:

Vocals were tracked with behringer preamp and beta58 Mic!

the behringer pre i used was the ada8000 and i have that linked to my digi001
really good job dude

im suprised honestly. is your drummer really that on point? it sounds programmed. its missing just a little bit of something that would make it sound pro, not sure what at this point at first listen, but yeah its kinda close to unearth new record. im listening on headphones.
Sounds cool to me (considering it's Myspace quality). Some timing things here and there bug me though.

AND (my pet peeve): correct the spelling mistakes in your "About" section. Yea, you may be metal, you may be ugly, but you shouldn't be considered dumb and careless, too. Don't get me wrong, it just reflects on how much care/work/effort you guys put into your band and imnsho you want everything to be as good as possible.
Yeah, the drums sound really synthetic, especially the hi-hat. Guitar sound is a bit mushy but not too much. The vocal sound is the factor that makes it sound less "pro". Considering that it was an sm58, It certainly sounds like one. I prefer large diagram condenser microphones on vocals. Even more with Tube mics :).

All in all, nice mix, but I'd do some things differently but it's a matter of taste.
Wow thanks guys a lot of great info already :rock:

yea i know its got a few mistakes and everything is not perfect but we just wanted to get something out and i guess kinda rushed it!

kick drum was sampled with Vinnie Paul sample 50/50 with original yea its ezdrummer we had to program what our drummer plays which is pretty freaking tough but we got it real close :rock:

Yea i tried a sm57 on vocals and it sounded thiner and the beta58 sounded better but still not to happy i almost tried my studio project b1 condenser on vocals but just decided to run with the beta sound and live with it!

Like i said this is my very first full mix and i hope to improve more so please and thank you for any tips or constructive criticism :kickass:
I'm 100% sure that the "fidelity" issues mentioned are because of the myspace player. Sounds great dude. I was fearing the worst after you said tha B word, but honestly the pre's do not sound bad at all-- decent solid state sound. You can hear the "sound" of the pres and the effect it has on all tracks. Using some other pres in conjunction with the ones you have will help mix that up and give you some different tone to work with. The overall balance of the song is pretty damn good too. I bet the uncompressed version sounds great. Great kick also btw.

Metalheads have such varying preferences that there will always be someone who will nitpick about your mixing choices. You can see how even most of the people on this board can't agree on what really sounds best. You will never please EVERYONE, so don't try too hard-- just make your shit sound how YOU want it to sound. If people like "your" sound, you are in business.

Great Job!
(p.s. fix that myspace page like the other poster mentioned-- we don't need more people thinking that metalheads are ignorant noise-makers)