My first Full Mix


New Metal Member
Apr 16, 2011
Hi, this is my first mix for my band, FIRST OF ALL LET ME SAY THAT VOCALS ARE GOIGNT O BE RE RECORDED SOON, singer was having a really off day so i did the screams and just tracked the rest for the lols and it was done through a $20 mic, so yeah disregard it for now, also need to fix a few clipping spots, but anyway any feedback would be great, everythign is Pod Farm and Ezdrummer, thanks!
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Guitars sound really good. I'm sorry to say that the cleans are way out of tune. I mean WAY out of tune. Either autotune it to hell or have a midi guide to sing along. And I'm not too keen on the growls either but maybe it's only the mic? They sound good at times though.
thanks for the reply, yeah we had about 30 min to do the vocals and this was always going to be a bad scratch, mainly just figuring out the phrasing, and the growls were me just yelling, when done properly it will be actual screams by the actual singer. (Im the guitarist) lol.
bass is very woofy on certain notes, try locating those woofy notes and use some multiband compression on those frequencies, ..vocals :ill:

but i think fixing that bass tone will help the mix alot
I noticed that bas too when i listened this on my headphones. It's really bassy. THere's something weird about the drums also. MAybe just becouse they're programmed?