My first mix, Total beginner!


New Metal Member
Aug 18, 2010
Hi guys, i just recorded some stuff but it turned out to be almost a finished song. I am a noob when it comes to mixing and editing stuff.
I know some basics but most of the time i just turn the knobs around and it ends sounding something like this :goggly:

I used Addictive drums for drums, Pod live xt for guitars and bass was just direct in into my soundcard and edited with amplitube.

What do you guys think? What needs to be tweaked?
Sounding good. Good tune-age
I would drop the guitars slightly as they seem to dominate the overall mix a tad. Keep on tweaking ;)
Dude!!! Fuck you!!! Seriously!!! How the goddamn hell did you manage to get that awesomeness out of your first mix!!!?? Damn... I guess some people are just better at this...

I'm like +$500 out on equipment, a lot of hours (+30?) reading and researching and I can't seem to get past the "it sucks ass" stage. It could be because I'm more into rock and not metal but still.. wtf?


Anyway, congratulations, man. It kicks ass. Specially for a first mix. It kicks serious mean bastard ass.
I feel like equipment is not the thing making you sound good, altought it makes it easier to sound good. I have pretty decent equipment but almost all clips here with only guitar and drums sound more powerful and natural. I think the main problem with me is tweaking the drums.
I feel like this mix is really muddy..

all that is done here is really cutting the low end of the guitars and panning them hard l/r so bass has some space. Also the thing i know is not to use lots of distortion/od in guitars if you want to sound heavy. And of course the most important thing bringing the balls to the mix is bass, but im still struggling with that. :)

Thanks for your input guys, i'll try to drop guitars a bit and change snare.

Do you think the whole mix is lacking some high-end?
Dude!!! Fuck you!!! Seriously!!! How the goddamn hell did you manage to get that awesomeness out of your first mix!!!?? Damn... I guess some people are just better at this...

I'm like +$500 out on equipment, a lot of hours (+30?) reading and researching and I can't seem to get past the "it sucks ass" stage. It could be because I'm more into rock and not metal but still.. wtf?


Anyway, congratulations, man. It kicks ass. Specially for a first mix. It kicks serious mean bastard ass.

For a start 500 dollars won't really get you anything and look at guys like onqel and dandelium off this forum, they make face smashingly good mixes using FREE plugins, s'all about context
Yeah dude please change that snare it sounds like I'm listening to st anger by the chipmunks