Rate my amateur mix


May 9, 2009

Took some time today to mix a death metal song I recorded (no vocals or guitar solo yet, but I'm going to record them soon enough). By this I'm trying to learn how to mix songs so I'll be able to mix my band's stuff to some extent.

I'm not very good at this stuff yet, in fact I just got Logic Pro 9 and some plugs and the school where I'm learning this stuff hasn't exactly got me there yet. So feel free to comment on anything.

I used my e-drums to record a stereo drumtrack (I should probably multitrack it but I don't get it yet) on S2.0, and I used a demo version of aptrigga2 to trigger the beloved Brain Kick sample, as well as some bell sounds I recorded myself. The guitars are double-tracked, and I used TH1 on all of them, with an American57 impulse blended with "awesome4pulse" I found somewhere. I use Podfarm on the shitty bass.

there are noise gates, Logic stock Channel EQ's and compressors on all guitar tracks and the bass track, there's a RoughRider and a limiter on the S2.0 track, Brain Kick and bells both have EQ and comp, all 3 drum-related tracks are sent to an aux channel with a demo version of The Glue and a limiter.

Finally, on the master track I have an EQ and a demo version of Ozone 4 that's set to maximize.

Before anyone asks, I haven't pirated any software. I know it might feel a bit odd that I have bought 1100€ worth of software and don't know how to use it. But now it's the time to learn. I can take a picture of the boxes in my room if you don't believe me :lol: Also, my apologies for the bunch of stock riffs, I'm not really a guitarist, but you get the idea anyway.

Anything else, just ask or tell me. :)

Here are the links:





Kick is way too loud, and the snare volume is up and down all over.... other than that, not too bad for a new guy. Keep it up.
Kick is way too loud, and the snare volume is up and down all over.... other than that, not too bad for a new guy. Keep it up.

Thanks for the reply!

Yeah, not really sure how to deal with these. The snare volume is up and down because the note velocity is pretty, well, dynamic... Wouldn't want to make all the notes play at maximum velocity. Would a proper use of a compressor help?
Yep. Comp is exactly what you want for the snare. The Kick just need to come down a lot and could stand to have a little more thump/rounder tone.
Thanks. I think I tamed the kick, still trying to do the same for the snare. Not sure if the internal comp in S2.0 will do the trick... But most likely I'm just lacking the skill.

I'll try a bit more, then post the results. :)