my first mix

Sep 15, 2008
what do you think about this mix?
it´s basically my first mix. i was getting pod tones a lot time but...finally, you must make your personal pod tone for your guitar.ehehe.
i made this test to show to a melodic hardcore band (i am going to record their first EP)...that is the reason metal riff sound with little gain, because they haven´t these riffs and they want little gain in guitars.
Can you upload the Pod Patch? PLEASE?

Lulz. Sorry man!

It sounds pretty good dude! Guitars do sound a little weak, but I dig it.

Try processing those Slate drums a little more too man. It'll sound much better.
could you post your pod patch?p

:rofl:DDDDDDDD. i know i was requesting a lot patchs...sorry again...:(
i think the best method to get good tone is trying and trying...hahahah.
I learned the lesson...:ill: :rofl:D

a lot bass? in my car, i listen to much bass...
and, i think guitars sound good for melodic band, but, what changes can i make? more volume?
what can i make to drums??

thanks for replies.
i made this test thinking in metal stuff but now, i´m tweaking it to show to melodic hardcore band (lagwagon, belvedere). for melodic band it needs more gain in guitars?
and i think bass is killing my mix, what could i make?