My first mix...

Sep 2, 2010
So i know this isn't up to par of most mixes on here but thought i'd run it by you guys and get some critiques.

As far as gear, i used an old LTD Stephan Carpenter with stock pickups (my main guitar is getting work done). Direct in to Pocket Pod so tones are nothing great. Drums are done in Beatcraft using various samples i collected from this forum. I basically have shitty gear right now and tried to do the best i could with what i have. Bass is some Ibanez i borrowed.

The song itself is something i did for my buddy, not really the kind of music i normally am into but i made it in a style that would make him happy.

I really don't know what the fuck im doing, this is my first attempt at a mix/master so bear that in mind.
Great song & good job on your first mix :D

Id maybe listen to the drums & add a touch of room (if it comes with the sample)/reverb to the snare to start with. Try & bring it out in the mix.