My first mix

First thing that pops out to me is the snare is a bit loud and jumping out. And too much riding on that right crash, sort of gets tiring.
First thing that pops out to me is the snare is a bit loud and jumping out. And too much riding on that right crash, sort of gets tiring.

This, but also I think the mix is a bit too quiet. You should also put a compressor in the master bus. If you have Waves, use SSL Comp with settings (approximate):
Threshold: -2
Make-up: change to your liking, just don't let it clip
Attack: .30
Release: .1

and leave the other settings alone.

Your mix will really start to pop.

EDIT: Not sure why the drums sound different at :48. They sound better there though. If you can get them all to sound like that, but either lower the kick and snare or pick up the guitars, it would be a lot better.
Thanks for the input gents. To be honest the drums are a semi-placeholder; I know I use that one crash too much and I'm going to mix up the patterns at a later point, but I'm mainly focused on getting a good mix for now.

Unfortunately I'm too poor for anything Waves sells, but I'll modify my compressor and try to get the drums to sound better. I'm also reworking the entire bass track, since I discovered that it was actually clipping when I listened to each track individually.

edit: there was an "ambience" slider in EZDrummer that was destroying my entire mix. son of a bitch.