My first paid work! :D Part 2 (Reamps!)

Dude! What a huge improvement, the mix sits much better with a real amp! I'm digging it a lot! I just feel the drum fills are a bit too mechanic, otherwise it's pretty killer!
Hope you got nice amount of money, else ill be pissed :)))

Sounds very nice, dont like programing drumms, but this kit sound nice and punchy (velocities need to be fixed, this sounds like machine gun)...

Sounds really good! The second mix is definitely better as the increase in bass makes the guitars sound bigger too. The drums sound really great. Any chance you could share your SD 2.0 preset? :D
I really like the mix except the guitars to be honest, they sound fizzy to me.

That's another thing I've noticed with my monitors/room, the treble is a bit dull, this mix doesn't sound fizzy on that setup, but it does when listening back on other systems. I might go back have a mess around.

I'll post the result up later.

Cheers for all the compliments!
Very cool!

What samples have u used in Superior? MetalFoundry?

I only used the OH's in superior. The kit is a mixture of slate drums with some sample replacement.

Nice mix! so big, what sample did you use in around 1:27? sumtin like reverse subdrop?

Its just a reverse reverb of a kick, snare and crash played at the same time, into a subdrop.

Right, new version!

I dialed out some of the fizz, I might of overdone it though, but I've been listening to it for too long to be objective about it at the moment, I'll re-assess in the morning. What do you guys think? Disfunction Final 4.mp3
Is this quad-tracked? And any details on your 5150 settings along with the guitar setup?
Is this quad-tracked? And any details on your 5150 settings along with the guitar setup?

Nope, just double tracked. The setup is, Schecter c1 elite with EMG 81 at 18 volts into Maxon OD808 into 5150 out of Blackstar S1 4x12.

Settings for the 5150 were about:

Pre 5.5
Low 10
Mid 4.5
High 5
Res 9
Pres 9
Post 3.5

Miced with a single SM57 into my profire 2626.

I had a listen to the smoothed out version, and it just lacks a bit of cut for me. So I went pretty much halfway between the two: Disfunction Final 5.mp3

So which does everyone prefer?

Fizzy but cutting: Disfunction Final 3.mp3

Smoothed but abit dull: Disfunction Final 4.mp3

Inbetween: Disfunction Final 5.mp3
