My first posting in months!!!!


Hit man for the Order
Dec 5, 2002
Kent State University
Hey, how are you forum guys doing?! This is my first post since late July (so it's going to be long, i'm afraid.) I have been busy getting my shit together for my senior year in high-school. I have already been accepted into Ohio University and Kent State. I am interested in journalism / mass communications. I am also interested in Ohio State. Any suggestions, guys? I dunno where I want to go. However, now that I got that out of the way, I can post stuff on ULTIMATE METAL!!

Anywho, any of you guys going to the Cincinnati show? I about had a hemmorhage when I heard Symphony X is coming here!

Another topic of mine, that has been of some concern to me. My band Assailant has been having a bit of trouble. We have a prog-style sound, and we play about 2-3 shows a month in the greater Cincinnati / Dayton Ohio area. However, we are having trouble drawing large crowds, promoting ourselves, and booking shows with bands that would have appreciative fans. Any suggestions? We've tried selling our cd's for low prices; even giving them away. I'm even sending press packs to progressive labels.

Sorry if I'm babbling, it's just that i've come off from a 3 month hiatus from not posting ANYTHING!
oh, hahaahahah, i almost forgot... any thoughts about Tim Owen's vocals on the new Iced Earth? I heard some sound samples from . I found them pretty cool at first, but I loved Barlow so much that it's disappointing. It was still nice to hear Schafer's chunky guitar parts though.
No, way! Kent State. Edgeofthorns, that kicks ass. Kent is actually my first choice in schools as of yet. What do you think of the campus, more or less, and what is your interest in majors? Oh, yeah, that healthclub part is pretty damn cool. Anyways, If I end up going there, we'll definately need to hang out and listen to some good tunes.