My first reamp ever [Mesa+Orange]


Replace that #@#|@#∞!!
May 19, 2010
Hey guys, it's been a while!

I got my cab and head a couple of days ago, and started to reamp this song in order to compare the result with the one i had using Pod Farm.

I used the same settings on both heads. Used to mics on the cab a 57 and a c414; one angled 45^ pointing at the cap, and the other one 17" away from the cap. (But my head here wasn't THAT loud)

The Pod Farm seems to be a lot more beefy than what i got with the mics.

This is just my first reamp, i'd like to hear from you which method works best using 2 mics! Maybe you guys just use one mic :3

Heres the songs:
Reamped one:

Pod Farm:

i'm using the DI section of a focusrite Isa, it's a reamp section!
I know i must have a radial countryman or so, but seriously
those can't be found here on my country.
:D Thanks man! i added the bass this time :)

Here's a lite update; The first time i used Ch3 on Vintage mode.
This time i used the same channel but on Modern mode.

the dynamic mic is a crappy unknown one lol
and the condenser is a akg c414.
Used a fair amount of pannels around the cab itself. I'm a n00b about this reamping thing :(
Guitars eat the mix, but i'll fix it :3

Heres the update:
Hey dude! Is this an orange 4x12 your using? what speakers?


Well this is a closed back Orange PPC 2x12 with two Vintage 30's on it.