My first SD2 mix


Mar 11, 2008
Just got Superior Drummer 2 the other day, it's a little getting used too but now i totally dig it!

Here's my first mix with it. It's a song somebody from this forum posted as a reamping request, but also included the bassguitar and midi drum track. Guitars were reamped through Nick Crow's 7170 and Ryan's Impulsed. I can't really remember what i did to the bass but i can look into it if anyone is interested (It was a lot!). Drums are all SD 2.0 except for the kick (which i find the weakest link in the overall sound)

Hope you guys enjoy :)
Kick and snare sound... Hm.a little lo-fi sort of? Nice and punchy for sure though!
Thanks! :)Yeah you're right, i can't put my finger on what it is actually. I might have put too many 200hz (ish) at the snare and less high frequencies. Or i've used the wrong bitrate for the MP3 compression, look into it when i have the time
Can never have too much 200hz on snares to be fair man.
I wouldn't worry about that specifically. I can't put my finger on it either.

What bitrate is that mp3? I don't think that's the problem either. The whole thing sounds nice and crisp and clear apart from the kick and snare.
Post a snapshot of your kick and snare EQ?