My first time...

not to bad actually for a first mix... My first was horrible:puke:

The snare sounds to compressed for my taste but I'm personally still working on my snare mixing and am not even near happy.. The guitar sounded a bit fizzy and personally take all the highs out down to 12kHz or maybe lower....
So... the snares with less compression and cut the guitars to 12kHz...

I'll try it out.

Thanks. :kickass:
apart from the things noted by others I think the bass is extremely Loud and overpowering, put it down a bit. Furthermore the guitars have a harsh and fizzy top end that you might be able to lose with some corrective eq-ing
I think the mix sounds WAAY better... I'm still not digging the song... just not my style... the drums sound... like they could use some help as far as writing/playing go...

keep it up... maybe one day they will be a Zaurus forum and we'll all be asking how you EQed this drum and that thing...

Definitely a big improvement. I think it would sound even better if you would turn up the drums some more and the bass slightly down (not too much, it is already a lot better than it was).