My first tune.

Maverick F1 guitar, some old Yamaha bass (I don't know what model). Into a Boss NS-2, into a Digitech GNX3000, straight into my shitty laptop sound card. Drums were done in Cubase SX. sneap drum samples and some Pastie cymbal samples loaded into Native Instruments Intakat. A couple of free plug-ins used on the guitar (Gdelay and Classic Compressor) and a the multi band compressor thats built into Cubase as well as a Cubase filter.
Very cool stuff man. How long have you been playing?

Thankyou very much. I've been playing for about 8 years. It's a shame that I spent seven of them not really learning much. I was perfectley happy bashing power chords out all day. It's only in the last year or so that I've really fallen in love the guitar, learning the modes, learning different styles, learning to play lead, etc...