my friend joined a LARP chatroom as k_henry_usmc45 and


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
k_henry_usmc45: Sorry to bother you there, but you sure sound like you know about vampires.

k_henry_usmc45: Hello? I just want to ask you a quick question.

Ventruerose1833: yes?

k_henry_usmc45: Alright, you see I live next door to this graveyard

k_henry_usmc45: And there are all these damn vampires in it

k_henry_usmc45: I'm serious!

k_henry_usmc45: They're all out there running around all night and laughing and shooting these hand signals to each other, like they're playing goddam rock-paper-scissors!

Ventruerose1833: lol

k_henry_usmc45: What the hell does "LOL" mean?

Ventruerose1833: oh, no no no, youve totally misunderstood. theyre just playing a game

k_henry_usmc45: That's some sort of vampire game?

Ventruerose1833: oh, i apologize, theyre not supposed to be doing that in public

k_henry_usmc45: Well, they sure as hell won't be doing it anymore.

Ventruerose1833: if you just ask them to go elsewhere, youll find that most larpers are good folk and wont trouble you

k_henry_usmc45: Look, I served my country during two foreign wars, and I'm not about to go talk to some vampire.

k_henry_usmc45: Which brings me to my question about vampires

Ventruerose1833: sir, its just goodhearted fun, they meant no harm

k_henry_usmc45: I thought that vampires were supposed to be hard to kill, like in Dracula they had to chop his head off and burn it or something

k_henry_usmc45: Now I just winged one of those little bastards and he went down like a ton of bricks.

Ventruerose1833: wait what did you do?

k_henry_usmc45: Of course, I didn't use my single-shot, because I figured that they'd all swarm at me after the first one went down, but they just scattered everywhere like a bunch of Japs from a grenade.

Ventruerose1833: you SHOT them?!?!?!

k_henry_usmc45: Just one, the rest of them scattered, remember?

k_henry_usmc45: Now I've got the little bastard in my house and he's playing dead alright, but I know he's just waiting to pop up and drink my blood once I put my rifle down.

Ventruerose1833: CALL 911! NOW!!

k_henry_usmc45: Well, no, that's why I'm asking you how to finish the little turd off. I don't want the homeowner's association knowing that I've got a damn vampire in my basement.

k_henry_usmc45: So what do I do? Is a stake in the heart enough or do I have to cut his head off?

k_henry_usmc45: Hello?

k_henry_usmc45: Man, he's one ugly little bastard. I would've thought that you vampires would choose something other than chunky teenagers to enlist your army of the night.

k_henry_usmc45: Hello?