My Friend was MURDERED! :(

Danny rctv

Girl Band Geek!
May 22, 2002
San Francisco
I'm so Fucked up over this I've been crying off and on! Why does it have to happen to the good ones! I knew this girl for 20 years and she was one of the nicest fucking people I've ever known and one of the most METAL Metal chicks ever!! There's an article about it on Blabbermouth and I don't like some of the stuff talked about in it. What ever she was going through personally ( I never noticed it) the fact is some heartless piece of shit murdered her over the holiday weekend and dumped her nude body in secluded bicycle area! FUCK I am so tore up over this!!! :cry::waah:
Thanks Linda but I'm still choked up. If there is an after life, I hope she's partyin' it up with Michelle Meldrum & Dimebag Darrell. Dimebag was one of her closest friends & she had a big hole in her heart over him being murdered and could never stop talking about him. I might go visit the spot her body was found tomorrow. I mean I've known people who have died but never murdered!

The press out here have been making some really fucked up and false reports about how she lived her life which has nothing to do with what happened. This is just a tragedy all the way around.

Here's an outtake from the latest episode of my TV show our end of the year special and I always give final a shout out to the people we lost. When I finished this last week I was saying to myself nobody else better die and well, make that 11 people now! :cry:
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