Bad walking accident

Danny rctv

Girl Band Geek!
May 22, 2002
San Francisco
I am so shook up over this! I got off work and was talking on my cell phone walking down 3rd street when this idiot with bushy eyebrows came charging down in my direction. I kind of recognized him and thought he was an ex co-worker so I was kind of distracted then he almost crashed right in to me so I moved real fast out o f the way to avoid him and I collided right in to this other woman and knocked her flat on her face!!! She hit the ground hard!! she began crying too! I dropped down to her aid telling her how sorry I was. She messed up her knee pretty bad. me and this other woman helped her to her feet and I just couldn't stop saying how sorry I was. the other woman helping asked if she should call 911. The woman i knocked over declined the offer and sat down in a chair in front of a coffee place. I asked her if she was going to be okay and if she needed anything. She said she was fine and I tried to explain what happened and she said she did see me try to avoid that guy that almost walked in to me so she knows it was an accident but Geez I feel FUCKING HORRIBLE!!! I wish I was the one that got knocked down, not an innocent bystander. So it looked like she was going to be okay so I continued walking and as I walked away I felt like crying. I was loathing myself then I got angry at that bastard who caused all this! Then again maybe he didn't intend for that to happen either. I'm sure he didn't but he's a douche! I even felt maybe I should have stayed longer with the woman until she was ready to go what was my hurry? I was just going home.Fuck what if this woman was pregnant?? What if I crashed in to a child like that or an elderly person?? I'm filled with guilt,shame,mad at myself and furious at that fucktard that made me run that poor woman over!
Kirsten "Bruce Chickinson";10710967 said:
Don't feel bad, Danny. Accidents happen. I'm sure the compassion and remorse you demonstrated towards her meant a lot to her.

What Kirsten said. I remember accidently elbowing a fellow classmate in the school taxi and nearly broke his nose. I felt so bad. You did more than some people would who just barge along without a care for anyone else.