Man people, I had the freakiest night ever!!! My friend and I HAD tickets for the Slayer show last night. She and I had been talking about it for weeks. Our arrangement was to meet at the venue. She had ordered the tickets online so she was going to bring them with her. I had already paid her for them (it was going to be my treat) and so I'm waiting in line for a hour, waiting for her to show up and finally I get to the door and she still isn't there. I'm not stressing, yet. I go to the window thinking that maybe she decided to leave them on will call instead of having them mailed. No tix at the window! Damn, now I'm getting pissed. I call her, her cell is disconnected. I just spoke to her a few days ago! I call her sister's house and she tells me that Deb has recently developed a drug habit and has been ripping everyone in the family off. She apologized but she knew that her sister had sold our tickets. She asked Deb if one of them was mine and she told her no because she had already given it to me. She sold them for $100 a piece. I paid $28 a piece. Can you believe it!?! So of course the show is sold out and I have no hope of getting in at this point. On top of all that, the security was tight. Metal detectors and pat downs. Some chic was pissed off because she gave head to one of the roadies and he dissed her (he was suppose to get her in) so she starts making a scene and she pulls out a knife on the security guy, the cops are called in and it's a huge mob scene and I'm like stuck in the middle of this huge crowd when the cops show up. Needless to say, I was detained with the rest of the group. I'm trying to explain that I'm not with them, the cop yells in my face, tells me to shut up and stand there 'til they're ready to deal with me. Fuck! I'm there for an hour and a half before they let me go. The cops don't even bother apologizing to me, they just tell me to get out of there
and I walk with my head held down aaaalllll the way back to my car. Waah!!
I really needed the stress relief, instead, I'm more stressed than ever!! To add insult to injury, on the way back to my car, a bunch of guys saw that I was in the crowd, and were yelling out "Give my head baby and I'll get you in"!
What a night!!