What a night!!


Sep 18, 2004
San Diego
Man people, I had the freakiest night ever!!! My friend and I HAD tickets for the Slayer show last night. She and I had been talking about it for weeks. Our arrangement was to meet at the venue. She had ordered the tickets online so she was going to bring them with her. I had already paid her for them (it was going to be my treat) and so I'm waiting in line for a hour, waiting for her to show up and finally I get to the door and she still isn't there. I'm not stressing, yet. I go to the window thinking that maybe she decided to leave them on will call instead of having them mailed. No tix at the window! Damn, now I'm getting pissed. I call her, her cell is disconnected. I just spoke to her a few days ago! I call her sister's house and she tells me that Deb has recently developed a drug habit and has been ripping everyone in the family off. She apologized but she knew that her sister had sold our tickets. She asked Deb if one of them was mine and she told her no because she had already given it to me. She sold them for $100 a piece. I paid $28 a piece. Can you believe it!?! So of course the show is sold out and I have no hope of getting in at this point. On top of all that, the security was tight. Metal detectors and pat downs. Some chic was pissed off because she gave head to one of the roadies and he dissed her (he was suppose to get her in) so she starts making a scene and she pulls out a knife on the security guy, the cops are called in and it's a huge mob scene and I'm like stuck in the middle of this huge crowd when the cops show up. Needless to say, I was detained with the rest of the group. I'm trying to explain that I'm not with them, the cop yells in my face, tells me to shut up and stand there 'til they're ready to deal with me. Fuck! I'm there for an hour and a half before they let me go. The cops don't even bother apologizing to me, they just tell me to get out of there :erk: and I walk with my head held down aaaalllll the way back to my car. Waah!! :waah: I really needed the stress relief, instead, I'm more stressed than ever!! To add insult to injury, on the way back to my car, a bunch of guys saw that I was in the crowd, and were yelling out "Give my head baby and I'll get you in"! :mad: What a night!!
MAIDEN67 said:
Man people, I had the freakiest night ever!!! My friend and I HAD tickets for the Slayer show last night. She and I had been talking about it for weeks. Our arrangement was to meet at the venue. She had ordered the tickets online so she was going to bring them with her. I had already paid her for them (it was going to be my treat) and so I'm waiting in line for a hour, waiting for her to show up and finally I get to the door and she still isn't there. I'm not stressing, yet. I go to the window thinking that maybe she decided to leave them on will call instead of having them mailed. No tix at the window! Damn, now I'm getting pissed. I call her, her cell is disconnected. I just spoke to her a few days ago! I call her sister's house and she tells me that Deb has recently developed a drug habit and has been ripping everyone in the family off. She apologized but she knew that her sister had sold our tickets. She asked Deb if one of them was mine and she told her no because she had already given it to me. She sold them for $100 a piece. I paid $28 a piece. Can you believe it!?! So of course the show is sold out and I have no hope of getting in at this point. On top of all that, the security was tight. Metal detectors and pat downs. Some chic was pissed off because she gave head to one of the roadies and he dissed her (he was suppose to get her in) so she starts making a scene and she pulls out a knife on the security guy, the cops are called in and it's a huge mob scene and I'm like stuck in the middle of this huge crowd when the cops show up. Needless to say, I was detained with the rest of the group. I'm trying to explain that I'm not with them, the cop yells in my face, tells me to shut up and stand there 'til they're ready to deal with me. Fuck! I'm there for an hour and a half before they let me go. The cops don't even bother apologizing to me, they just tell me to get out of there :erk: and I walk with my head held down aaaalllll the way back to my car. Waah!! :waah: I really needed the stress relief, instead, I'm more stressed than ever!! To add insult to injury, on the way back to my car, a bunch of guys saw that I was in the crowd, and were yelling out "Give my head baby and I'll get you in"! :mad: What a night!!

That totally BLOWS!! Sorry all that happened to you, that really sucks, I feel for you. A person that wasn't to be trusted. I'm heading to Slayer tonight, I'll let you know the setlist if that helps any. :(
Maiden67, if it helps any Slayer will tour again next year after the release of their new album, sometime during the summer or fall. I hope if things work out you can go to that tour. :) I went to the concert tonight and as always Slayer put on a helluva show. Like Iron Maiden, Slayer shows are unique because of fan loyalty and devotion. I liken the Raider fans and Slayer fans the same because if ya say something wrong about Slayer you'll get your block knocked off. Talk about defending your favorite band. Thats why I havn't missed a show since early '90. At the start of the show, the fans go bonkers, people fill the aisles and push to the front, and security can't hold them back, its like floodgates opening, its crazy. Fans reach the pit and surrounding areas, it looks like a sea of people. As they reach the second song, War Ensemble, and they unfurl 4 massive banners with the classic eagle, sword, star. I must say it brought a bit of a chill to my spine, it was badass. It is during this song that I can see Dave Lombardo in his full glory at the drums. He just rips the drums up, hands down the best drummer in all of metal, no one, abosultely no one can rival his speed, strength, and agility. Looking at his drum work gets me hypnotized. :hypno: And to think he had left the band a few years ago only to return (nobrainer)! He goes so freakin fast you think your watching and listening to a VHS tape fast forwarding. I can see the pit REALLY start to swell and move when they reach Hell Awaits, and during South of Heaven upside down crosses litter the background. Of course Angel of Death is played, their "calling card", fans love to go bananas here, then comes the final song I was waiting for, Raining Blood. As you probably know they use the Wall of Blood here, but the "rain" that falls can hardly be seen (the only drawback), but you know its falling because Tom Arayas face suddenly turns reddish and his hair looks really wet, Kerry Kings shoulders look blood red too, pretty cool. The only guy that doesnt get doused is Dave Lombardo, he walks off dry. All in all, what a fantastic show! Come next year, I'm there again, horns up!! Here's the setist:

War Ensemble
At Dawn They Sleep
Fight Till Death
Stain of Mind
Mandatory Suicide
Hallowed Point
Dead Skin Mask
Seasons in the Abyss
Chemical Warfare
Hell Awaits
South of Heaven
Angel of Death
Raining Blood

:rock: :kickass: :rock:
Thanks guys! You're the coolest!! Yeah Slayer is a show I try not to miss. It just sucks about my friend. She has small children. I know what drugs can do to the children involved.

I know about that pit Kalifguy, believe me! :loco: We went to see them down in Tijuana a few years back and it was a crazy night too! We arrived early so we decided to grab something to eat to kill time. We went to this giant pizza stand and ordered one. I swear the guy had molasses for blood! :Smug: I'm like, no way! This was the slowest person I had ever met. He was so slow that the pizza wasn't done 'til about 15 minutes before the doors open. :hotjump: We had about and hour and a half when we got there! So one of our friends folded up a huge ass piece and ate it like a sandwich. We're all scarfing down the pizza :ill: and we started giving away slices to people passing by. We ran to get in line. The venue had three tiers. The ground level, the balcony and the top tier. We were in the balcony section, because we all know what happens to the entire floor! One huge pit formation!! So they open with War Ensemble and the whole floor goes crazy. :rock: You begin to see all the chicks scrambling to get out of there and they're all pissed. :mad: If you can't hang in the pit, get out! :flame: They will toss you like salad in there!!! Some girl tried to take pictures. She was right behind us and the security guard came around, grab the camera and just started yanking at it. Problem is it was still attached to her wrist!! :yow: He almost took her hand right off. Then some crazed fan jumped, back first, from the top tier into the pit below. I swear I didn't see him get caught, nor did I see him get up! He was swallowed by the massive pit never to be seen again!! :OMG: It was nuts!! That's why I was bummed that I didn't get in! I know they give killer shows!! Oh well, there's always next time!! Next time I'll hold on to my own damn ticket!! Thanks again guys!! :rock:
Sorry to hear about your night, Maiden67! Damn! You have a really good attitude towards things. :rock: Perhaps the next one will have some great things in store for you! Thanks for sharing, Kalifguy!
Just another magical metal night!!! What can you do. I don't stay pissed for long. Life is toooo short!! Love you guys!! Kalifguy, you're way cool!! :rock: