I had a very bizarre dream last night

Sounds like a pretty cool dream!

Think I'll go grab a piece of cheese before hitting the sack! :kickass:
Freud's Analysis:
You clean chalets and lodges which is a traditionally feminine job, yet the cleaning itself would indicate a suppression of your more bestial, sexual side. Then you go into a lodge, most likely through a door (as that's the usual way to enter a building) which is on obviously vulvic symbol. And you enter a Maidens concert- women having a great time with passion and intensity and unabashed to show it. Thus making this dream a wish-fulfilment of erotic desire, going from the ordinary, repressed mode of living to a primitive id-driven one. Still, you have to wait in line or wait for the show to start, thus indicating a fear to immediately indulge in your primal desires. Then a man (Mark) appears, who wants you to do a behind-the-scenes type job, symbolizing your attitude towards how men treat you, always wanting you to do things to provide others pleasure (help with the production), but not wanting you to get any yourself (like actually joining the Maidens onstage). Nonetheless, if such wish would be fulfilled by playing guitar with them, it indicates your need for a man as the guitar symbolizes heterosexual union, as it is shaped like a woman's body being penetrated by a phallus (the neck I think you call it, but I'm not a guitar player). Still, you will have no part of fulfilling another's desires without getting something for yourself, so rather than give to anyone else (be assistant producer), you decide to wait to watch (at least you get to see other women having pleasure), thus living your desires through others. The shock at the offer shows your contempt for traditional roles where you can't indulge in the feminine id without stigma. The CD indicates that you have the abilitiy (in your own hands) to experience full feminine pleasure yourself (through your own hands or another), but not knowing the last three song indicates that there are levels of pleasure that you are still unfamiliar with. Fear of not knowing the words indicates a need to prove to others that you're as experienced in the feminine mysteries of pleasure and desire as any other woman. The Maidens are an Iron Maiden tribute band after all, the band named after the medieval torute device consisting of the deep feminine sarcophagus, filled with sharp phallic spikes. Hence, a desire to equal any other unashamedly sexual woman in number of encounters with stimulation via the phallus. You noted the Maidens doing Assassin which you did not have in your hands (on the CD), an assassin being an expert in one shot, one kill, which symbolizes your inexperience with pleasurable one-night stands. Aja comes down to help you get in touch with the feminine pleasure mysteries, thus indicating the parts of yourself which desires such. Yet, in the final end, you scorn that part of yourself by giving in something flat; flat lacks in depth, depth symbolic of the vulva, and thus the paper article symbolic of your ultimate rejection of the deep feminine and all the pleasures thereof. Additionally, newspaper articles are black and white, indicating this being a moralistic decision. The disowned part of your id (Aja) scorns back by ripping up the article thus rejecting your unwillingness to fully embrace femininity. Nonetheless, your retort to Aja indicates your time put into creating a surface image., which ultimately stopped you from fully experiencing feminity as it happened when the 3 unknown songs where playing. The "WOh oh oh" indicates your seeing others embracing the primalness, be it masculine or feminine. Other Maidens songs (like Wcker Man and The Trooper) have a refrain or other parts featuring wohs and ohs (symbolic of the moaning during sexual gratification), yet you choose to hear them during Heaven Can Wait indicating your own suppression, rationalized as not really suppressing but just delaying. Linda (also symbolizing your id) makes a final attempt to break through by throwing you a drumstick (another phallic symbol), yet you give it to someone else to preserve your image of already having the experience, but actually denying the experience through your maintainence of the image thereof.

Well, that stretched my creative interpretive juices, so I'll wait a few days before giving you Jung's analysis.

Oh God... I love Sigmund Freud! Thanks for mentioning all this.... and in my loved Iron Maiden's forum! Two good things in one! :)