My friends are the best friends, hands down, horns up!


Crustacean Grinds Inc.
Jul 12, 2004
I live in Spain.

Last night, my best friend called me from the London gig (Metal Hammer awards) DURING Anthrax's set!

Had his phone raised high for the majority of "Indians"! There I was in my house screaming along with a shit eating grin on my face and my roomates thinking I'd finally lost the plot.

Now, my friend isn't that big a metal fan anymore and he's brutally honest so I expected much taunting about the reformation of old.....

All he said was:

"Alex, two words........ FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :rock: :rock: :rock:

Spoke later, said they were brutal!!

First time I hear Anthrax LIVE over the phone!!

I'm seeing them tomorrow here in Madrid, so fucking stoked now!!!!!!! :hotjump:

Cheers, Les!
Otro mas que va a verlos el jueves a Madrid. Espero que no tengan que recortar set por tocar antes que Dio....
Ya, eso también me preocupa.
Y porque coño empieza a las 7???? Un poco temprano, no?
i hate when they guy in front of me at a gig hold's the phone up. it's usually off to their side and right in front of my face. i saw skynard at a festival and there were three guys standing together and they were all holding their phones up in unison. fucking funniest thing i ever seen. i don't like paying 40 bucks to see a motorola or nokia commerical.
Lo de las 7 de hecho a mi me alivia algo, porque supongo que es sintoma de que ambos grupos tocaran un set extenso y no querran terminar tarde, por eso empiezan tan temprano... (al menos eso espero). Por otro lado los conciertos en La Riviera siempre suelen empezar temprano...
iSpain tienes muchas chicas buenas! Yo quero haciendo el amor con las chicas de Spain.
I've heard that EVERY woman in Spain is hot.:hotjump:
ThraxDude said:
iSpain tienes muchas chicas buenas! Yo quero haciendo el amor con las chicas de Spain.
I've heard that EVERY woman in Spain is hot.:hotjump:

I can't confirm or deny these rumors right now. People, please understand, my hands are tied. All will be revealed. Soon.

One thing I will say, though........ Why do you think I moved here?? :grin: !!! :loco:
ThraxDude said:
iSpain tienes muchas chicas buenas! Yo quero haciendo el amor con las chicas de Spain.
I've heard that EVERY woman in Spain is hot.:hotjump:

I live in the very south and I can tell u girls here are really hot! When friends from another towns come here they are always like :OMG: with the girls everywhere....specially metal chicks...i love'em!!! :grin:
Come one, come all!

Any NFMB member is more than welcome to crash at my place.

In fact, if you come tonight, we can go to the Thrax show together!!

probably goin to spain for a couplr of weeks chill out-are there any metal type clubs as i dont want to have to buy aftershock and glow stix
Crabmeat said:
Come one, come all!

Any NFMB member is more than welcome to crash at my place.

In fact, if you come tonight, we can go to the Thrax show together!!

You're too kind! I think I missed the gig though.
Crabmeat said:
Come one, come all!

Any NFMB member is more than welcome to crash at my place.

In fact, if you come tonight, we can go to the Thrax show together!!

You my friend are :loco: for inviting the whole NFMB :grin:

Oh to be single again and hit up Spain. North, South, East or West.
pedrin said:
I live in the very south and I can tell u girls here are really hot! When friends from another towns come here they are always like :OMG: with the girls everywhere....specially metal chicks...i love'em!!! :grin:
was part of the south ruled by the Moors at one time.

I had a teacher from Northern Spain that looke Irish.
Brown hair and blue eyes like me.
DarbysDad said:
was part of the south ruled by the Moors at one time.

I had a teacher from Northern Spain that looke Irish.
Brown hair and blue eyes like me.

yep. Like 513 years ago. We look all caucasian, no arabian heritage here, too much time since they were here. They left a bunch of cool monuments, though, in my town we hage a huge mosque, now it have a christian cathedral inside (yes, it's big as fuck) but it still have muslim arcs, and an overall arabian feeling to it. Really curious to see arabian and christian renaissance art blended together...

Back to the message board main theme, I saw anthrax yesterday in Madrid. The fuckin' tore the place apart. I am still amazed, what a show! Joey was on fire, he didn't want to left the stage, man, it ruled. I expect a good show, but not this. The crowd was so crazy, the mosh pit was really brutal!!
Charlie playing with a Darth Vader helmet on during I'm the man was hilarious as hell, too :rock:
Crabmeat - I'm up for a Spanish NFMB raid and

pedrin - thanks for the info. sounds awesome.

I apologize in advance if I break out in Spanglish every once in awhile. Knowing a little Spanish helped when I was in Rome, plus I had an English to Italian book to help out.