my frustrating convo.


Aug 8, 2001
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If yor tired of hearing this just go back..but I got a little frustrated after hearing this.
Ray says:
you guys have any acoustic songs?

we wrote a new song says:
hahahahaaha NO NONONONO

Ray says:

Ray says:
why not?

we wrote a new song says:
we are metal not country
My conversation with a 14 yr old, whom ive never met..he is in a "punk band." I've never heard them so im not going to judge.

im Ray btw.
Well, of course not, if he's in a punk band.

The whole point of punk is "we suck but we have loud guitars and you don't, so shut up and listen to what we want to whine about (maybe with a little bit of 'and we have some safety pins through our heads', on the side)"
punk fans are all about rebellion and individuality, so they dress they same.

punk bands are all about Fuck Authority so they can get signed by corporations.
'A PUNK SONG' - by trapped.

I'm a punk, and my girlfreind just dumped me,
I just pissed my pants, and i just spat on some old lady
Woooahwoooah Woooahwoooah Woooahwoooooooh

I'm a drunk, my mum kicked me out yesterday,
I just spilt my beer, and i pissed on some old dude.
Wooooahwoooah Woooahwoooah Woooahwooooooh


-Trapped in a corner.
My friend and I spent 2 hours of the summer writing pop punk songs, just to prove to this guy that those bands aren't especially gifted in the songcrafting department. When I play them for people, they think it's Blink 182, resulting in embarrassing laughter from me (sad thing is, they're actually quite good as far as pop punk goes, and if I had a pop punk band, I bet they'd fly with th "in crowd") hehehehehe....2 fucking hours.....
Pop Punk Hmmmmm??? thats just stupid. Blink 182 are problaby the best musicians out there yeah, I like "The rockshow" thats a great tune! at least I thought so until I realized that these guys are like 30 years old.


Because I fell in love with the girl at the rock show
she said "what?" and I told her that I didn't know
she's so cool, I'm gonna sneak in through her window
everything's better when she's around
I can't wait till her parents go out of town
I fell in love with the girl at the rock show

What the FUCK, if it would have been written by a 10 year old it would still be immature, and these guys are 30. :mad:
(sad thing is, they're actually quite good as far as pop punk goes, and if I had a pop punk band, I bet they'd fly with th "in crowd")

By that I was referring to the songs my friend and I did, not Blink 182 :loco: :loco: :rolleyes: They suck....
Try listening to some of the early 80's American punk. Sure, the bands arn't the most talented musicians in the world, but the music is FULL of emotion. There are none of the whiny vocals you hear in todays "punk" bands. Just listen to Minor Threat. Also, the early punk bands are somewhat more metal inspired rather than just boring like todays bands.