My fucking band.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
So I finally decided to post this against my better judgment for getting masacred in here (lol)

Anyhow I didn't do the recording as my gear wouldn't cut it.

Tracks were done on Nuendo 2. Drums 100% real no replacing. Guitars are well, shitty. Bass is well, shitty.

But anyhow, anyone else think there is way to much overall verb other than me?
Ok, I listened to "Loyalty is Dead" so I'll try to offer something constructive...

#1) Try micing the acoustic guitar. I'm not a big fan of the piezo sound. Or, try a miked/direct split & pan them hard left & right.

#2) Why are the snare, the main body of the drums & vocals panned hard left? Did you try some form of "stereo enhancer?" during your mastering?

3) Have the heavy guitars & acoustic play counterpoint riffs during the chorus. It's very, very, hard to get acoustics & heavies to play nice together when they're doing the same thing. They're always competing for the same space. Unless, of course, you've got Boston tone, then there's all kinds of space.

I did like the vocalist. He was convincing. Maybe try a little less whiny/nasal in the verses, but he's got a good scream. Overall, the music was pretty good, too.

I hope that was helpful!

Ok agian I didn't do the recording. I totally agree this mix has so problems out the ass. I never truely listened to the mix that constructivley. I hate the acoustic all together, but agree it should have been miced (I wasn't there when it was done).

I know the entire CD was stuck in Wavlab 6 but as far as effects go... I dunno.

I personally would have liked to see the acoustic canned but, apparently we are a democracy. I hate it. I would have over ruled quite a bit on these songs. Like bass tone, it sounds like garbage to me.

The vocalist has to large of an ego to suggest anything, but yes I agree.

Now that I am listening to it, your right it does sound panned incorrect. To heavy on the left side. Good info oz, respect your opinion. Hopefully they will be open to some constructive changes. (I've been pushing to redo the bass for awhile).