My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion cover (metal!)


penguins jersey guy
Apr 28, 2010

This is pretty much the most ludicrous thing I've ever made. I'd been working on this cover for a few weeks, partly to promote an EP I'm going to release at the end of the month, and partly because I've always thought this song would sound really ridiculous with metal instrumentation. Some of you guys might enjoy this, if only for a chuckle.

Hope you like it!
Thanks for the kind words, guys! :D

I guess the screams are a little out-of-place in the context of the song, but I think they sound better than what would have happened if I tried to belt the last chorus or sing it in falsetto. Originally I was going to be really pretentious and get some of my friends who had choir experience to sing choral parts behind that part of the song, to back up the screaming, but I decided that was too over-the-top even for me. Plus I suck at writing choral parts.