My Introduction


The Unholy Messiah
Aug 30, 2001
Visit site
yeah, i just sorta randomly appeared here a few days back, so its time for me to introduce myself...i am LE RVD, aka Mark, 19 years old and a metalhead. my fave CoB disc so far is Follow the Reaper, and i am yet to possess the new one due to a lack of money. i go to college at West Virginia Wesleyan for CIS. i am a fan of all kinds of metal and my fave artists are Opeth, Iron Maiden, Overkill, CoB, Cradle of Filth amongst many others.

i look forward to meeting you all and becoming an important person in your community.
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Reactions: -Gavin-
I have seen you around, duder. YEAH!
Anyhell, welcome aboard! I just started posting here a few weeks ago and it's CRAZY! :loco:
Greetings fellow Eastcoaster
prepare to be probed...

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Newbies are often randomly picked to be subjected to the painful and humiliating initial procedure.. don't worry
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Reactions: Mammoth
child of bodom: rock we shall, i want that Dimmu shirt! :lol:

tara: hell yeah sweetie, i've seen you before this, you rule!

probing newbies? thank god i've been on UM for a few years now! :)
you are very observant my friend! indeed there is...i was on a Nevermore binge when i created this account, and i think Rob Van Dam is a very talented wrestler. thus you get my name!