My journey as a solo artist begins with.. I don't know what to call this. of the Serpent/Legion Master.mp3

Just some info on how I've made this..
Drums: Superior
Guitars: Electri6ity
Bass: Electri6ity
Synths: Edirol Orchestra, etc.

This has been edited from its original version to throw it out there that:
- I am a vocalist
- I don't play guitar
- Everything is programmed
- My goal is to create metal the "electronic" way

I'm a bit afraid of the fact that a lot of people would show me disrespect for not actually playing any instruments. Not because I feel ashamed, but because it pisses me off when people act like dick heads. :D
Anyways, I've made sure to keep the complexity of the riffing and drums to a minimum. This is nothing that I couldn't play myself. I might get stupidly exhausted if I tried the drums, but know that it's nothing I can't do. ;]

Rate the mix of the latest one and tell me what you think about the songwriting. I won't be offended at all so say the worst!

Latest version. Much restructuring. I like it a lot better. :D
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Deathcore, maybe Progressive Deathcore?

Genres suck anyways. :fu:

I like the song, it's a bit weird haha. :p
dont throw a name on it, you will just end up writing around what you think it is as opposed to writing what you want. The song is extremely strange in my opinion. Some of the leads are cool, but theres really no rythym to drive it. Just my opinion though, take like a grain of salt. Sounds like Born of Osiris/Dimmu/??? haha i hate comparing and labeling music

BTW maybe legion of the serpent isnt such a good name seeing as how thats very famous from The Faceless, not that it matters but its a bit of a turn off if you know the song by the Faceless so well. Happy writing!
Sounds kinda cool. I think some of the transients/pastings of the parts aren't that smooth though, maybe try a crossfade. What are you using for bass? I like the tone but it sounds really programmed.
Sounds kinda cool. I think some of the transients/pastings of the parts aren't that smooth though, maybe try a crossfade. What are you using for bass? I like the tone but it sounds really programmed.

I'm using a guitar for bass.
I didn't pitch shift it. Just run it through a bass amp sim and did a little bit of multiband comp and stuff. I thought it was going to sound like shit but I loved how it turned out so I just didn't touch it.

It reminds me a lot of the new After The Burial bass tone. :D
I don't know if this happens to other composers when they're writing music but I just deleted almost everything of this song. \m/

I, of course, saved it in case I can't come up with anything better. But I'm pretty much rewriting the whole thing.
Trolling about the drums? Seriously need A LOT of humanizing.. but eh this genre is strange enough to make it seem like natural hahaha.
I really don't like it when bands record one note a time and paste them together. I don't know if it's a style or whatever, but I really think that people who do this can't play. I know you can though because I've heard some of your other stuff.
Sounds weird and empty, lacking in coherence and structure. Song writing definitely needs work. The mix is not that great either, the cymbals and synths are too loud and nothing really sounds fat or natural. The guitar sounds fake also, is that a guitar synth or something? Sounds supsiciously robotic. Hope you don't take any offense, just my 2 cents.
Sounds weird and empty, lacking in coherence and structure. Song writing definitely needs work. The mix is not that great either, the cymbals and synths are too loud and nothing really sounds fat or natural. The guitar sounds fake also, is that a guitar synth or something? Sounds supsiciously robotic. Hope you don't take any offense, just my 2 cents.

This is my first attempt at composing music, at all.
I haven't put that much work into the mix yet. :p
The guitars are definitely programmed.

This is sort of my attempt at "electronic" metal music. In this case, it's something like kind of prog experimental deathcore or something, but I don't really care what the specific genre is. lol

I'm not really going for something that sounds natural. That might be a bad thing. But, I like it a lot, so I think I'm content.

Also, here's the latest version. Changed the song around quite a bit. I like it much more.
Definitely sounds better already. It's not bad at all considering it's your first time, my first songs were ALOT worse than this I can tell you haha. Now it's actually starting to sound like a pretty cool tune. What guitar "synth" is that btw? Best programmed guitar tone I've heard yet.
Definitely sounds better already. It's not bad at all considering it's your first time, my first songs were ALOT worse than this I can tell you haha. Now it's actually starting to sound like a pretty cool tune. What guitar "synth" is that btw? Best programmed guitar tone I've heard yet.

Thanks! It's called Electri6ity.

There are a lot of limitations with it that keep me from getting the most genuine sound, of course. The sample library only includes tunings down to C. Anything lower than that must be pitch shifted. They don't have dropped tunings, either.
For that reason, I use two guitars in the stuff I make, one's tuned to A and one to C.
Also, they don't have good metal palm mutes--the ones with a lot of bass feedback that you hear in -core music a lot nowadays. So, I haven't yet, but I'm going to go through the song and record all those myself.

But it's a pretty cool program. I took that and ran it through POD Farm and put a slap delay or something like that to get this tone.

I'd honestly rather play the guitar myself, so when I get more cash, I'm going to buy myself a decent guitar and really start practicing.
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