My last song, with vocals (randall rg50, N.Y exp for SD, HB bass, my voice :p)

The whole thing is pumping like a MoFo, too much compression I think the low end on the kick is your issue.

The vocals are a bit thin for my personal taste and not in tune :(, love the guitar tone though, love the snare.

Killer tune.
Is it not just my voice that sounds weird ? it was just an idea that i got during the vocals recording, but i'm singing like shit.
Thanks for the advice !
Drums = awesome, any more details for them in genaral? kick, snare and toms?
Guitars sound cool too.
maybe you could turn up the vocals, and compress them a bit more, but I dont think that they sound bad themselfes!
cool song!
any more details for them in genaral? kick, snare and toms?
Sure :)
So the drums are all from the N.Y. expansion for superior drummer (a blend of the two kits available in this expansion), but sorry i cant say you now the elements i used.

For the kick, the most important thing is that i send it on a bus with :
- High-pass at 1.5Khz
- Ferox with Gain, saturation, hyperstesis at nearly max.
- Dominion signal modeler to restore some tightness after the saturation.

The two mics of the snare are treated separatly, with the same FX chain but different settings : EQ , Dominion signal modeler, and comp.

Never really spend much time on the toms : EQ, comp, and an harmonic exciter.
The snare is the 14" rogers dynasonic from the allaire kit, the toms from allaire too, and the kick is from the hit factory kit (the more "splashy" i think).