My latest mix / The killers kind'a


Jun 20, 2007

So i've mixed this album a couple of weeks ago. Will probably be released in January. Much more pop rock and a mix of The killers, Muse and The Hives. Only mixed this one, and my brother actually produced the album. Very talented 22y old bastard haha (hate him). Think it turned out great and i really enjoy doing this kind of light rock thing and i hope this will open some doors and get me some different clientele then the usual rock and metal which im used to. The album itself is really great with great tunes all the way through and i will probably post another one when they do a video.

The band is called Kid Galahad:

Tell me what you think :)

/ Christian
Definitely not a bad idea to try and get your hands on some work outside of the genre. It's refreshing and makes you more versatile. Every time I get to mix something that isn't metal I learn lots of new things, since I am forced to break out of the patterns.

Mix sounds good! Good balance and clarity. Perhaps a bit overcompressed for my tastes (on the masterbus? I'm not sure, I'm not in my studioroom right now), but that's a stylistic choice imo. Very nice!

EDIT: just read that you probably didn't do the mastering-part, so just ignore that.

Yeah widening the line of work you do is probably a good move. I don't mind doing whatever genre there is as long as there are some talented musicians involved. The whole metal thing can be a bit tiring because you have to spend so much time editing and that is boring. With rock/pop you scale down the editing time like by half or more so its allot more fun focusing on recording and the performance then nudge DI signals haha.

And about the mix. There is quite allot of masterbus compression going on. And i've developed a liking for a certain type of combination of a few compressors. Hitting the mix with about a total of 4-5db of GR in total. But i get allot of glue from that so i personally like it :)

And no, i didn't master it. It was mastered at Cutting Room, probably the most famous mastering house in Sweden.
^ So true about the editing part! I think I've mentioned it in other threads before, but what little work I get is mostly ambient-related...almost the complete opposite of metal! Whenever you edit out a noise there, the clients actually complain that you are messing with the natural flow of things :D I like it. Biggest thing I do is add a little bit of melodyne on voices to not let things get out of hand too much.

Yea, I figured the master-part after reading the info on the video haha. Replied a bit too fast there. I bet those guys know what they are doing a hundred times better than me anyway, so who am I to criticize :) Also, I think heavy masterbus compression is a pretty common thing in popmusic nowadays, so I can absolutely see why someone would go for that.

Anyways, good job man! I wish you the best of luck in traversing these new areas in your career :) Versatility is king!