My latest production, my own band

try listening to it all the way through mate! :)
Its a bit quiet at the beginning because i meant to do it, it sounds to be that way (sounds good in my opinion)
Im listening through my In-ear headphones so cant really accurate judge the mix, but i think the snare and vocals are a bit too roomy. But thats more of a personal taste though. Song wise its very interesting and i kinda dig it! A nice mix of metalcore and Swedish melodic death-metal, like Arch Enemy and In Flames, nice! The chorus is also awesome, those vocals are amazing :)
dude!!! sick. I agree with the previous roomy vocal thing but thats perfectly fine if that's your thing. Loving the composition, cool European metal thingie. What are you using for guitars?
Dont know what you guys mean about the roomy vocals! but I like the way it is anyway..
For guitars I used used Lecto and a Mesa Boogie dual rectifier for leads miced with a SM57.
would you mind posting DI tracks for us to mix?
i`ve literally felt in love with the song

production is sick btw
Sounds like you're looking for appreciation rather than opinions hence the "I like it the way it is," but I agree about it being too roomy as others have mentioned
Sounds like you're looking for appreciation rather than opinions hence the "I like it the way it is," but I agree about it being too roomy as others have mentioned

To be fair, i was hoping someone would mention something about the drums because thats the area i was struggling at most but i didnt mention anything until now just so everyone will have a natural listening instead of hearing for mixing mistakes on the drums..if you know what i mean..