My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

In the Ban of Satan's Sorcery is seriously the best song of all times, pretty much

have you heard most/all of their back catalogue? I haven't, but absolutely adore "Hellfire's Dominion" (they almost out-D666 D666), but didn't have much use for "A Touch Of Medieval Darkness."

how does this new one compare? never heard "Angelwhore" either come to think of it...
I ordered Angelwhore a few seconds ago actually :p

Well, from the first couple spins the almost 10 years gap since Hellfire’s Dominion is obvious, but they retained most of the epic and skullthrashing stuff and expanded into some sharper songwriting. It does sound more up-to-date, can’t help it, but that’s not necessarily a drawback. The song with Nemtheanga is brilliant. Well, it sounds 99% like Primordial in places actually, so it’s a bit strange, but very nice still.

I would love to see them live. There is a 20' video of a 2006 gig on the CD. The sound is dreadful but they're definitely great performers :kickass:
I ordered Angelwhore a few seconds ago actually :p

Well, from the first couple spins the almost 10 years gap since Hellfire’s Dominion is obvious, but they retained most of the epic and skullthrashing stuff and expanded into some sharper songwriting. It does sound more up-to-date, can’t help it, but that’s not necessarily a drawback. The song with Nemtheanga is brilliant. Well, it sounds 99% like Primordial in places actually, so it’s a bit strange, but very nice still.

I would love to see them live. There is a 20' video of a 2006 gig on the CD. The sound is dreadful but they're definitely great performers :kickass:

good enough for me, I'll probably scoop both releases up sooner or later. funny thing is, I've had Angelwhore in several shopping carts in the past year or so, only to opt to not buy it. lol who knows
Got this today!

Got some fancier version too (#4/325 or something) where the patches are with gold and silver threads but I left that one at Erik's





Bergraven - Dodsvisioner
Setherial - Death Triumphant
Beherit - Drawing Down The Moon
Thyrfing - Vansinnesvisor
Nile - Ithyphallic
Thy Primordial -Under Iskall Trollmane
Anuna - Celtic Origins (lol, what a f4g)