My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

@ Erik ---- Awesome

you know it brotherman

i'm excited like a schoolgirl at christmas waiting for my big ol' german boxes to arrive. i already have some half decent used cymbals, all i need now is a hi-hat and my drum setup will be complete! no more rehearsing using that barely structurally sound "BASIX ECONOMY SERIES" kit w/broken cymbals
Austrasian Goat - Witch 7"
Fell Voices - Fell Voices 12"
Skagos - Litha
Thou/Mohoram Atta split
Vault Dweller - Messenger of Doom
Vault Dweller shirt
Yes, but it's only an EP. 2 songs from Ast and a redone version of WITTR's Vastness and Sorrow which they've called Of This Empty Land


for realz?

Drowning the Light - Through the Noose of Existence
Forgotten Tomb - Songs to Leave
Nunslaughter - Goat
Proclamation - Advent of the Black Omen
Revenge - Attack.Blood.Revenge
Satanic Warmaster - Revelation
for realz?


yeah i didn't even have to save up for it, i just fucking bought it because i felt like it, 1400 dollars just like that (also including a hi-hat, ride and two crashes i got used)

not having a family or any other expenses whatsoever other than rent R U L E S

this month will be full of instant noodles (worth it) and crappy christmas gifts (not MY problem) though
Griftegard - Solemn, Severe..
Griftegard - Psalmbok
Sigh - Imaginary Sonicscape
Sigh - Gallows Gallery
Sigh - Hangman's Hymn
yeah i didn't even have to save up for it, i just fucking bought it because i felt like it, 1400 dollars just like that (also including a hi-hat, ride and two crashes i got used)

not having a family or any other expenses whatsoever other than rent R U L E S

this month will be full of instant noodles (worth it) and crappy christmas gifts (not MY problem) though

lol! fantastic! More pics when it's arrived and set-up, eh?
Will it give you magical Sonor powers to be able to do this?
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