My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

Deposit put down on 650R yesterday to hold it. Went in and finalized trade in of the 250r etc today. It'll be in my hands to ride next Saturday. OH YEAH


Not the specific bike in question, but same year/scheme. Always wanted a Ninja 650R and it is not becoming a reality. :kickass:

Such a beautiful weekend to get the new bike, it was absolutely perfect.

Breaking in a new bike is such a drag though :lol: The joys of stop and go traffic.

try to get rid of that plastic do-hickey that holds the rear plate. there are easy mods for the plate and moving the turn signals if need be.
would make the bike look so much better.
Yeah, the hideous stock plate holder is something I want to get rid of in the future. They have tail tidying kits such as this, but as with all bike related stuff they don't come cheap. I want to get a bike-specific GPS (lol @ the price of these) and a top case first and foremost.
I bought swanky new door handles and then found out all the doors have too-small holes for the handles. It's annoying how certain measurements are off by *just* a tad on everything. A good example is all the original (1963) light switches are about three inches lower than modern code calls for. So, I have several new ones at 48" off the floor and the rest, original ones are very obviously not the same height. Anyway, for my new handles to fit, I'd have to get all new modern doors. other words...I don't give a shit anymore.
DENOUNCEMENT PYRE - World Cremation digi
FLAME - March Into Firelands 12"
FURIA - Halny
FURIA - Huta Laura / Katowice / Krolewska Huta 10"
FURIA - Grudzien Za Grudniem 12"
FURIA - I Krzyk
FURIA - I Spokoj
GOAT HORN - Storming the Gates 12"
INQUISITION - Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm 12" TOME
CORPSESSED - The Dagger and The Chalice
ENTRAILS - The Tomb Awaits
FALLS OF RAUROS - The Light That Dwells in Rotten Wood
FLAME - Into the Age of Fire
RENEGADE - Total Armageddon + 1985 demo
XENOMORPH - Empyreal Regimes