My Latest Purchases Thread Mk. III

i know, it looks like any number of dumb self-help books. blame his publisher i guess.

it is a really worthwhile read though, believe me

EDIT: also, to be fair, the cover on the one you just bought is just BEYOND AWFUL
WTFFFFFFFF I didn't know Ulver had a new album out. Bought that and a DVD they released last year that I also didn't know about. And the new Deathspell Omega.
The AR build so far:

The Walking Dead issue 100
The Watchman by Moor
The Crossed by Ennis
The Crossed: psychopath by Lapham
The Sandman vol 1 and 2 by Gaiman
Neonomicon by Alan Moore
Did you get the headphones and hose hook at the same place because that would be an awesome store
Tully, I want specs on that AR.
what upper, trigger, that an Aimpoint?
heavy or light? chrome lined barrel? 5.56 right?

SR15 MOD 1 Upper Reciever (The same as standard SR15 but with URX III rails which does have a hammer forged chrome barrel)

On the upper:

BCM Gunfighter medium charging handle.

AimPoint Micro T-1 on an Absolute size LaRue mount.

SurefireScout (which I have a LaRue offset mount for but don't have the right size tools to mount it yet so it's on the standard surefire mount) with pressure button on the top of the rails.

LaRue hand-stop

MagPul rail mounted sling loop

BattleComp 2.0 muzzle device

Eagle Arms pre-ban lower (I'm from MA so I need a pre ban lower)

On the lower:

Geissele Super Dynamic Combat Trigger

Tango Down BG-16 grip (BCM gunfighter grip in some pictures, like the one on the previous page)

Milspec buffer, buffer spring, and buffer tube.

MagPul MOE Stock

Going on today:

MagPul B.A.D lever

MagPul enhanced trigger guard

Uhhhh...I think that's it, haha. And yep it's 5.56.

I've been using Federal XM193 until the M855 on stripper clips starts showing back up on the market.
