Went to the bargain bin and got 9 CDs for 9sfr, pretty much at random.
My Ruin - Ghosts and Good Stories: Southern stuff. Not usually something Id like but Im really digging this album so far
Prog Rocks!: 2CDs of classic and contemporary Prog Rock
Der Weg Einer Freiheit - Agonie: Killer straight up Black Metal. So fucking good

Cephalic Carnage - Lucid Interval
Haydn String Quartets Op.3, #3-6
Wirtz - Akustik Voodoo: Not my thing... Ah well
Maim - Deceased to Exist: Death Metal. Really good death metal
Folkvang - Six Stories Without Keys: Very interesting concept behind the album, not yet sure if I like the music though...
Lincke and Hatt - Way North: Traditional Irish and Scottish folk stuff
Edit: Pretty sure I only like My Ruin cause Im drunk but what the hell it cost me 1sfr.
Edit Edit: Ok Im sick of it. That went quick.