My latest video!

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
Hey all, got a different one here: some rap metal. Certainly a little different from my usual, but I've been working with these guys on and off for about 8 years now.... good, solid players in this band who do a great job in the studio.

Anyway, we shot this a few weeks ago in a warehouse here in Windsor Ontario, had some friends show up, and this is what we got:

Really cool work man!
When I read "Rap Metal" I thought it would be worse, but actually it wasnt that much rap I think
Thanks dude! Shot this one on a Canon 60d, with Nikon 20 f/4, and 85 f/2 AI lenses.

My back still aches when I think about all the Glidecam work......
Looks great, I especially liked the bass and drum shots. Those girls and the audience in general didn't seem too enthusiastic but what can you do.

Cool tones, as well. Your mix/recording?
Awesome. I'm just glad it's not another goddamn "deathcore" band. Kinda makes me want to go listen to Biohazard for some odd reason...
The video is good, waited for something "special" to come up musicwise, the part around 2:40 is cool,
but the rest, not my cup of tea, sorry...but loving the Pantera style guitar and bass shots ;)
Guitars were a 5150 and Dual Recto into an ENGL PRO cab... totally stole Lasse's method for the Alestorm rhythm guitars. :) Drums were 100% sample free.

As for the music itself, I understand this is probably about 10 years out of date, but hey, I'll work with anybody :) The guys in the band are all good players, and the instrument mix is pretty straightforward. Kurt, the rhythm player, has outstanding technique & most of the guitar tone comes from his playing. The vocal mix, on the other hand, is quite complex, with multiple layers & takes.

As for the Nikon lenses, yeah, a $15 adapter from ebay is all it takes.
Thanks guys, much appreciated!

The snare was a Tama birch 5.5X14, with an Evans G1 head. I think the sound had a lot to do with the drummer's technique more than anything.

As for guitar cabs, yeah, I'm loving the ENGL cab. It's voiced differently than the Mesa, which is also excellent. The hardest thing is deciding on which cab to use for a particular project..... one or the other, or a blend. It can be quite maddening :)

Overall though, the guitar player has great rhythm technique. Getting a good tone from him was pretty effortless..... ....and the same for the bass: Great player.

Which goes to show, there just isn't any substitute for good musicianship. I think if more bands put effort into fundamentals like technique and actually knowing the song before recording it, it would make producer's lives much easier.