My Latest Work - Addiction Switch


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
So for the past 3 weeks I have been in my Studio recording a local band here from Vegas called Addiction Switch. When I first met them I was a bit weary about their outlook on what they were going for from a "sound" point of view. They kept referencing things like early Soundgarden and Neil Young, being one who tends to over produce everything I touch, I was a bit worried.

We came to the decision early in pre-production that the band did not want to use a click and they sounded and vibed a-lot better with out one. On some songs it really shows as the drummer really pushes and pulls the tempos. But hey its got a cool vibe so we went with it.

The band wanted a very early 90s Grunge type of sound and I fought pretty hard to get away from my standard UBER DRY and in your face mixes. I am very pleased with how the project came out.

For amps we used:
Peavey 5150 and a Laney AOR 100. The guitarist was VERY VERY adamant about what gear he wanted on each song. We wound up changing his mind after we did some re-amps behind his We used a Mesa Cab and used a single SM57 just off the cone on a v30.

For guitars He used a Steinberg with a JB and a Jazz.

Drums were Tama Rockstar Custom. We did a 75/25 mix of the live snare and enhanced it with Lasses "Rock" Snare 6C. Kick was Lasses Rock Kick blended with Snappy kick for some top end. Toms are all natural, this is my first time not sound replacing toms and I am pretty impressed with the results I got on the toms. They were recorded in a room in a friends warehouse, and for the space we had to use I think they turned out pretty good.

Snare had a SM57 on top and a e609 on bottom. Kick was a cheap Digital Reference kick mic from a set I had, same as the toms. OH's were a spaced pair of Sterling Audio ST31's

Bass we used a Sansamp, and Podfarm we used an Ibanez Soundgear 5 string.

Vocals were recorded with a Sure SM55

Feel free to leave feedback :)

Lead A Horse

30 Seconds To Nowhere

End Of Days

Photos and video on the way :)
Here are some photos:



i think with their decision to not use a click, they probably reached the opposite of what they were going for.
bummer, because this could sound a lot more intense if they would have understood that click and vibe don't exclude each other.

just my 26 cents.....
I really like that kick, I need to get Lasse's kick pack asap...
I love Lasses Kicks. They have been all over my recent projects :)

As for the click, they really werent vibing with it. The drummer kept saying he felt stifled, so we just went without it. Made editing a fucking cunt of a job
tell the drummer to get better (with a click). it's what i do.

also, i'm pretty sure that is a superstar, not a rockstar.

i can't listen to these as my internet is 56k speed right now, but i will when i can!