Just finished their 5 track EP. This is one of the songs from it. If you like it, find them on Facebook, they're an awesome band! Loved every minute of working with these guys.
I produced, tracked, mixed, and mastered. Greg (of lolzgreg fame) re-amped like a motherfucker, as always! \,,/ I'll let him give details of guitars if he wants to chime in!

Drums were:
Rode NT5 on overheads
D6 on kick
D2 and D4 on toms and floor tom respectively
Sm57 and i5 on snare
Shure PG81 for Ride
Joe Meek JM27 on hats
All into my Pro40 and Octopre
Kick was blended with an LSD sample and one of my own
Snare was a blend of the natural snare, some random one, and a Slate snare (snare 9 I think) for the crack!
Toms were... something, I can't remember now, but quite a high blend since they didn't really come out as well as I'd hoped and we had very limited studio time for drum tracking

Anyway, if I've forgotten anything please ask! Cheers
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