My latest work

Aaron Smith

Envisage Audio
Feb 10, 2006
Seattle, WA
I don't post these kinds of things very often, but I'm really proud of this one, and the music is great, so I'm in the mood to share. Produced, engineered, mixed, and mastered by me.

The band is streaming the whole album on YouTube, no strings attached, so check it out and support the band if you like it! They're unsigned and wanting to stay that way. PS, turn up the quality before listening ;)

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I love the vibe on this. Super clear but really dark and sinister, like a more defined version of the 7H7E record. Snare sounds awesome, might be a bit too fat in the faster parts but overall just love it.

Any details on gtrs/how replaced the drums were? Glad to see Joe still doing stuff; I thought SE had called it quits a long time ago!