my little emg 18v mod comparision

thanks for doint this it's indeed quite interesting.
there's quite a noticeable difference between the two.
however, I wonder how people label the difference they hear as "headroom"
how can you hear headroom, what characterizes it?
thanks but that does not equate with using less gain on your amp so the signal isn't as saturated and distorted right?

2 different things.

With 9 volts the clipping of all the highest peaks occurs at the pickup stage, but with 18 volts the DI wave looks just like it would look if it came from a passive pickup (but of course it is way hotter).
Ran my EMG's at 18v for awhile, but then a couple of years ago switched back to 9v and I much prefer it; tonally the 18v mod made both an 81 and 85 (in the bridge) have a decreased upper-mid focus and tightness (which I love) and an increased low-mid woof (which I don't love); sounds a bit fuller with just shitty drums in the following (ancient) clips, but in a full mix I found the low-mids to clash with the bass and the decreased upper-mids to reduce definition/perception of pitch

85 9v
85 18v