My Mercyful Fate vocal cover


Sep 18, 2009
Greensboro, North Carolina
Was debating on whether or not to post this on here but I figured itd be good to get some feedback. I plan to do either this song or Come To the Sabbath for Metal Karaoke (provided it'll happen :fingers crossed:).

I am by no means a singer and have never taken lessons before or anything like that. That said, here it is.

Edit: Guess it'll have to wait till prog power then or until I get a video camera (doubtful). :fail:
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I still got the audio for it its just a matter of finding some method of sharing it. I suppose i could sendspace if I had to. I'll probably take another shot at it tonight too (mic volume low in some parts of the tune)

Edit: As far as I can tell sendspace works

I'm more concerned about the lower range than the higher range. Let me know how that is
I'm more concerned about the lower range than the higher range. Let me know how that is

The low end needs work, the high end needs work on sustaining the high notes. I'm not a singer, so I don't know if it's a breathing thing, or some other teqnique.....Ambitious tune to try & tackle......
The low end needs work, the high end needs work on sustaining the high notes. I'm not a singer, so I don't know if it's a breathing thing, or some other teqnique.....Ambitious tune to try & tackle......

Cheers. I can work on the higher stuff. The "yeah" lines are practically head voice/outofmyrange but I can somewhat hit it. I think I nailed the "Crush the cross" line before the solos. This was also my 3rd time practicing this tune that night so might of put some stress on my throat or w/e so on a fresh start I can probably sustain the high notes properly :shrug:

Edit: First and only take for the night.