my mix = poo , i need your help :(


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
this is all me , excuse the crappyish playing i just wanted to get the idea across. test.mp3

So that's it ,I feel its quite crap to be honest :lol:
something needs improving but i never now how to fix it or sometimes what to fix.
I used an aria mac 60 for the octaves
and an epiphone sheraton for the higher bits
played through the same settings of a laney hybrid

im not looking for crits on the song , i couldnt give a crap about the song i just made it up to show the standard of it , id like crits on how to improve the production since your ears are holy

EDIT : here is the newer version , louder drums, reprocessed the basssss test 3.mp3
First of all: your drums need a lot of work. They need to be louder, except for the hihat, everything else needs to be more upfront. Use some compression on it as well, so it all gets glued together. There is a nice and handy sticky about acoustic drums in the production tips section. Read it as it contains some good tips and ideas on mixing drums.

That bass is a bit hollow sounding to me. How did you record that?

Guitars don't sound bad to me at the moment, but I don't know what you were aiming for.
the bass is just a di'd bass processed through guitar rig
as for the drums they were just quickly thrown together but i'll try putting them louder
im not aiming for anything in particular this was just a quick idea laid out to give people an idea of where i am right now at mixing
Don't put your bass through a guitar rig. Get a (free) amp sim for bass, or get a real bass amp. A guitar rig isn't made for those frequencies and you might even damage your rig while doing so. Before putting it through an amp, you might want to split the signal in two, high pass one over 70 or 80 Hz and low pass the other one around 50 or so (depends on where the bottom end of the kick is). Just put a brickwall limiter on the low passed one en put the high passed one through an amp(-sim). That way you get a full low end, but still be able to feel the kick.

If your aiming for some more experimental, lighter, emo sound, then your (kind of) on the right track with those guitars. When you really want some heavy trashmetal-sound, it's way off. So that's why knowing what your aiming for can help with advise needed.
not a guitar rig, guitar rig the processor :lol:
and that can handle bass because it has those bass presets but honestly the guitar cabs on there work much better on the bass with a bit of tweaking i find.

and yer i was aiming for the emo sound ...sigh :D
thanks for the help i'll try these out later
In my opinion the main problem is in the pen as the clip makes no real sense without the context around it. Is this like the intro or verse or chorus or bridge or solo or...? And what is the musicgenre? Since I don't know, I won't say anything constructive or de-constructive, and especially if the song is not of importance, why bother? it But it wasn't my cup of tea tho.

First of all: your drums need a lot of work. They need to be louder, except for the hihat, everything else needs to be more upfront.

Read: just turn the hihat down until it's balanced, then bring up the level of the drum group and it's fine and dandy.
hey ahjteam

I took in your opinions and reweorked it , I was aiming for a light rock/emo sound
The main reason for doing it was because I hadn't mixed/recorded anything in a while and I wanted to see if my absence made a difference good or bad :)
also , since you mentioned turning everything but the hats up , is there any way of subgrouping in addictvie drums, it's not like I need to do that but it'd be handy for future use. test 3.mp3

oh and i suppose this would be the bridge of the song