my mom's a fuckign hypocrit - towards my practicing...

DSM>>>NP dude. I know your down with the real deal. Hey RP is right there, SAB were jazz/blues based stuff. Bill W was a jazz drummer 1st and foremost. I like Jazz, but not all the time.

AMOS>>>WHat are some songs you and DNDS are tryin out? And keep up the drum beat stuff, It will help on rythem, but if you really concentrate on the drum beat, maybe you should get a bass.
you cant run to jesus now! mwahahahahahaah :lol:

led - Sab were jazz based too??? i didnt know that... ill have to listen to the self-titled in a bit to see if i notice any of it :)

i think im gonna be the first person to ever incorporate Jazz/Classical/Metal/Blues/Dance together..

shit, gotta go... time for a wrestling match (not the shit on TV, the GOOD shit with barbed wire and FIRE)
Originally posted by ledmag

AMOS>>>WHat are some songs you and DNDS are tryin out?
We aren't really trying to figure anything out as of now.We can barely play our instruments.My strategy is that we'll just keep practicing at my house,since that's where my drums and several guitars are,and,sooner or later,we'll figure something out.The "band" line-up is me on drums,Amos on guitar and vocals and our Smashing Pumpkins fanatic friend on bass guitar(or acoustic guitar to give us a bass sound),though she's never practiced with us.We'll have to try getting together and jamming sometime.Who knows,maybe we have "talent".But I think that if we ever tried our hand at song-writing,we might be pretty good.

*my mother suggests that the vocalist of Opeth have some cough medicine for his throat congestion(?!?)*
I thought Sabbath were more blues based...damn,I should try getting my dad into Sabbath...
About my practicing...the only times that Amos and I have practiced music were times when my mother was not home.And,as for just my random drum practicing(haven't practiced in a loooooooooong time),my room's in the basement.Though,apparently she can hear me and the music I'm drumming to,because she came downstairs once and bitched me out because she could hear all of the profanity in the Soulfly tape that I was practicing to.
AND, my dad likes the music I listen to, so no bitching there.On some occasions he'll play Sabbath, Ozzy or Old Metallica.

I remember once, my dad and three buddies got piss drunk and started singing Nothing Else Matters.Fuckin HILARIOUS
Lucky you,my dad and his friends get drunk and sing Frank Sinatra.
My parnets and their friends all make fun of the music I listen to.I guess that'll teach me not to express myself around any of them before.Though....I did tell my father that I was going to go listen to the Politics of Ecstasy and he asked me "Is that like the drug?" I tell him yes and also that it has something to do with Timothy Leary,then he starts talking about Timothy Leary and Cheech & Chong.Apparently my father has seen all of the Cheech&Chong movies,though he's never smoked pot....riiiiiiiiiight...
Yeah, Darkspot and I haven't actually gotten to the point where we can play MUSIC. I can sing though, and I also write lyrics, so, Hell, we're not completely fucked. Not until our Billy Corgan loving pal gets involved. ;) She'll have us playing "Bullet With Butterfly Wings" before you know it, Darkspot. *shudder*

Anyone that knows Cheech and Chong knows Mary Jane too.
Originally posted by famousamoswillkillyou
She'll have us playing "Bullet With Butterfly Wings" before you know it, Darkspot.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!Fuck her,we ARE covering Nevermore songs...once we can actually play something,that is.
We could prolly write some pretty good songs,though.I've been making up some drum licks that I'd like to play when I fucking feel like it.I could probobly create some drum parts by fucking around w/the rudiments and stuff.And I've been attempting singing and writing song lyrics(key word-attempting).
DND AND AMOS>>>Well, just start jammin every chance you get.

DSM>>Check out the song WICKED WOLRD, its full of jazz.

They did stuff in walts timing, like the intro to war pigs. YEha, Their early stuff is laden with jazz and blues.