my most recent work.(Belie My Burial)

as if you got to record these guys!!

i don't know if you're looking for feedback, but, the intro swell is louder than the song, which seems to be louder for a few seconds, and quietens? as if your master limiter is constantly reducing by huge amounts, but takes a few seconds to get there?

speaking of master, it's a lot less aggressive than their last EP (not a bad thing, everything was set to max.. then turned up more..). i don't know if it's because of their previous work, but it sounds like it could do with more BAM.

can't see any obvious production errors, and it's sounding well mixed, you've done good there. i dunno if this is just taste, but i think the kick could be louder/more scoop/both.

finally, where have the ridiculous sub drops gone?! haha.

over all, well rounded mix, and i can't wait to hear the rest of it!

Thanks for getting back to me on the mix man.

and i also just realized that i have the intro swell to loud haha, now that's bugging me so when i get home tonight, that's the first thing im going to fix.

and i also understand what your saying about the volume softening out idk whats up, i also do not have a limiter in my mastering chain tho, so it cant be that, i just slapped Gclip on the buss to make the mix louder, idk why i did but i did.

im also thinking about boosting the kick just a little in the mix.

thanks for the advice man, i like any feedback (negative or positive) so thanks! :D
GClip is a limiter (albeit with 0ms release and 0ms attack) ;)
