My music update..


Mr. Pibb > Dr. Pepper
Apr 12, 2002
Bay Area, WI
I just posted this over at the ND board and wanted to post it here as well. So here it is....

Not sure who cares, but I'm going to tell you anyway. I recently figured out the concept to my next album (while listening to Nevermore). But it's an acoustic album I've been working on for some time and I recently realized I needed a female vocalist for a few parts. Well, I went to se my firiends cover band tonite and accidentally found a fantastic vocalist that's willing to work with me. I just thought I'd post this, partly cuz I'm drunk and partly cuz somebody might care.

Also, if you don't have my cd and want one, PM or email me your address and I'll send one out to you. I did this about a year ago but there's new people so I figured I'd offer it again. My website is if you want to check out some of my tunes.
Female vocals will be an interesting addition, i'll keep an eye on this board for new songs by you.

Seems i'll finally be able to send you off a copy of my CD when it's finished shortly, to repay you for sending me yours. It's being mixed at the moment. If i forget once it's done then do remind me.