My music.


New Metal Member
Aug 30, 2009
Okay, so, I make music. Mostly metal nowdays, I used to make some random noise. :lol: But well. I don't make music for money, so everything I make is put in for free to download. :)
So... My so far newest album (I don't post old ones, they're so not-metal)
Download my newest album, Twisted Maggot Metal

Oh, and if someone has questions, just ask. :lol:
I'm making a split album with MAXD (japanese black metal band).
I talked with them, and we decided to ask that if more bands/people would be interested in making the album. If someone is, email me.
You want a comment?

I listened to your myspace page..and here's the good news: you have a talent for setting the mood, you use various layers of ominous sounds to create an eerie atmosphere...

Having said that, your music is just a bunch of noise, are you using computer generated sounds or is that a real guitar? To me it sounds very computerized and's like a mix of dark ambient and noisecore..

Also your fades (especially on the Black Sheep song) are terrible! The transitions are non-existant, you just cut from one section to another, with violent volume need to spend more time on your revision of your songs to make sure they are perfect, don't just half-ass music then and throw it up on the internet!
I use computer for everything except "singing".
Well. I like the music I make, so... I'm not going to start making different...
Holy shit that is terrible, you should have stuck with the dark ambient, at least there was some notion of "music" left in there!

Oh and lay off with the black metal imagery already..almost every song has the word "goat" in it..we get it