my new baby

TB666 said:
Sorry but I don't like it.
I think what Stewie is trying to say is that the tattoo looks very nice, but it probably doesn't complements your beautiful body. :)
Man, an hour and a half is really fast. Definate props the the artist who did that because it looks excellent. I'm in the process of sleeving my left arm to about 3 inches from the wrist, and just the outline took 4 1/2 hours, then the bottom half took another 4 hours, and this friday I'm scheduled to go in for another 4 for the top. (It's the cover from Obituary's "cause of death", and Converge's "petitioning the empty sky" covers.
sounds cool, i like his cover
you should post pics you know :)
and my tattoo maker is already 18 years doing this job, i guess thats why hes so fast and good

@Arch: if you'll get to see me one day in your life you will understand that my tattoos is complements my body coz it's already part of my body, and i like it as part of my body, i think people can see this love and thats why i call my tattoos babys :grin:
Yaay! More pix! :hotjump::hotjump::hotjump:
Yesss, nice ink Tal!
I think all of Tal's tattoos kick ass....especially the new one. an hour and a half? that's absolutely fact I find that hard to believe. :erk:

But yeah, even the quotes on your back are cool.
the composition in that picture isn't too great, you can't really get a clear picture of the tattoo's size in comparison to your leg and the rest of your body, plus the centering is not millimetrically perfect so that scores down a lot, and also it's too small

i would have expected more from you, uber photographer :)
thats cool really nicely done most of the tats around here that ive seen look like crap. i dont have any tats because im terrified of needles but my friend is getting one of the cistene chapel only all the characters are zombified it sounds really cool he just needs the money.

Here's a pic of my left arm Ive been working on. I just had the top half colored last friday. The top demon is off of Converge's "Petitioning the empty sky" cd, the middle face is my art, and the bottm tree with the skulls is off the cover of Obituary's "cause of death". In a few weeks I'm starting the outlines for the other demon guy I'm putting on there and also flames behind the tree.
^ Wow... I don't usually like that kind of tattoos but that is wicked. Very well done picture.

I suppose bigger tats are better on men because they are much more masculin imo.