My new band! Doing a Playthrough Video.... (Judge this mix!)


New Metal Member
Oct 11, 2012
Hey guys!

I've just started a new band here in Melbourne, Australia and we've just finished recording our debut single 'Transition', ALL done on the Axe FX Preamps, and they are featured heavily in the following video im about to link you!

Patches were done with the USA Lead 2 with A Fryette D60M both with Marshall 1960B V30 Impulses, quad tracked to give it a bit more fatness. The Fryettes react amazingly to any amp when quad tracked with something else so were super stoked on how this came out!

Mixed and mastered by DEAN WELLS @ Shredville Studios in Melbourne Australia.

If you dig what you hear download this song for FREE from and Like us on Facebook at

Before anyone says, the video doesn't really give accurate representation of the mix as its angled off to the left for some reason (thanks youtube! :fu: ).
So download it if you like!

All feedback on tone, production, general sound, the song is encouraged!

Thank you guys
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