My new band's demo (Mastodon, Doomriders, etc...)

dude I fucking love it. Literally pisses on the -core bullshit I usually hear on here! Balance isn't quite there yet... OHs could definitely come down a bit and vocals up a bit.

Do you guys have a website/myspace? Stay prog
dude I fucking love it. Literally pisses on the -core bullshit I usually hear on here! Balance isn't quite there yet... OHs could definitely come down a bit and vocals up a bit.

Do you guys have a website/myspace? Stay prog

Thanks man. We released it a while ago but I was kinda worried that you guys would slay me down for this mix :D.

The whole demo is available as a free download on our facebook page. Here's a link that'll take you directly to it:

and we're on myspace too:
After listening to the demo, I gotta say this is one of the best releases I've heard this year. The music is equally as impressive as the production and they go very well together.

Wow, thanks man! I forced myself to take a really different approach this time. Little to no quantizing on the drums and they're all natural (just blended in some Slate Snare7 20% or so for some extra attack.

We also used a shitload of vintage and rare gear for everything. No Marshalls, no 5150's, no recto's and no sm57 on guitars :D.

This sounds amazing; the low-end is especially powerful. Will be grabbing this demo!
Yeah, I kinda have my own way of tracking bass guitar atm. It was a 4x10 cab and I used a Cascade Fathead ribbon (w/ pop filter) and an SM57. Bot were placed dead on the center of the speaker. The ribbon gives this HUGE naturally compressed low end due to it being fig 8 and the SM57 gives the clarity. I blended in the DI track for some clean pick attack (we were using an EHX Russian Muff for dirt) and that's it really.

Post processing was some CLA76 and a bit of C4 to tame the 100Hz region and bring out the 1khz grind

Edit: oh yeah, I decoupled everything from the ground. I've noticed that it improved low-end tightness a lot!
dude I fucking love it. Literally pisses on the -core bullshit I usually hear on here! Balance isn't quite there yet... OHs could definitely come down a bit and vocals up a bit.

+1......very organic which is good from the typical stuff on this forum which is sounding all the same
Thanks guys! I actually didn't hear the balancing issues until this thread. Should've posted this earlier, before we released this demo :D.
Really cool music dude! Mix sounds awesome aswell, although I agree about zakky's comments about the OH:s and vocs.
I'm glad to give some extra info on the recordings / mix if you guys want. Just ask what you want to know because there is way too much to talk about :)
+1......very organic which is good from the typical stuff on this forum which is sounding all the same

Yeah, I really went for that organic feel so mission accomplished I guess :D A lot of that feel comes from the fact that I used near zero punch-ins on this demo. Most of the time, I recorded everything in one go and edit the errors out later. It's a great way of doing things because musicians actually enjoy it when they only have to play the entire song 5-6 times but yeah, you can only do it if you're recording people with good timing.

Making people feel comfortable and relaxed when laying down tracks was one of my main jobs and I still think it's one of the key elements to getting a great sounding record. We tracked for 2 hours, took an half hour break to chill out and went back in afterwards. Guitars for those 5 songs took over a week to record, just because we were spending more time watching South Park and drinking beer :D. When people are relaxed, they play better.

I didn't really quantize drums either. Just some fills and insane parts but the drummer is pretty tight in general.

One other thing I've learned from all of this is that it's always a good idea to start developing a rough image of how you want the final mix to sound when you're just doing pre-production. We've spent a lot of time finding the right sounds and it really payed off because the amount of musical EQ I had to use in the end was real low. The snare and kick needed some work but the rest of the instruments all had their own frequency range and just needed some corrective EQ or compression.